Page 78 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 78

Cheng et al. Satell Navig             (2021) 2:2                                         Page 6 of 12

              Fig. 5  Diferences between the coordinates at each SDCORS station at the epoch 2015.412 in the ITRF2005 aligned from the ERF and DRF frames

            Table 2  Statistics of all results shown in Fig. 5  However, a nonlinear site movement model can achieve
                                                              a mm-level accuracy, and is suitable for the accurate
            Statistic       P DRF –P ERF  (mm)                maintenance of the Chinese national reference frame
                                                              in future. For regional CGCS2000, especially provincial
                            X 1         Y 1         Z 1
                                                              CGCS2000, linear maintenance is still the major option
            Max             10.84        11.79        − 2.39  at present.
            Min             9.21         11.38        − 3.32
            Mean            10.73        11.65        − 3.10  Gridded horizontal velocity feld in China
            Std             0.13          0.07         0.10
                                                              Selection for an optimal interpolation method
                                                              Under the control of the selected regional GNSS con-
                                                              trol stations for the Chinese national GNSS network,
            and the other is constructing a non-linear site movement   the coordinates and velocities at all the network stations
            model for each reference station. A plate motion model is   were estimated based on the observations during the
            developed using the linear velocities at all reference sta-  period from 1998 to 2010. A gridded velocity feld for
            tions on the plate for transforming the coordinates of a   mainland China is to be determined and its database is
            station to the epoch required. It can only achieve a cm-  provided to the general public to update the coordinates
            level accuracy due to its neglect of nonlinear movement.

            Table 3  Coordinate corrections at each regional reference station at the epoch 2015.412 obtained from the combined
            adjustments in the two frames
            Site           P DRF  (mm)                                    P ERF  (mm)
                           dE              dN              dH             dE             dN             dH

            YSSK             14.65           8.61          − 29.97        − 2.80         − 2.30          6.78
            TIXI           − 17.00          − 1.58         − 16.14         0.78          − 2.08          5.15
            DAEJ             38.77           7.78          − 1.41          0.49          − 1.01         − 4.71
            BJFS             2.30            2.72          − 18.75         2.46          − 1.34         − 6.24
            WUHN             12.34           4.02           32.30          2.27           4.39           2.27
            IISC             8.74           − 7.34         − 9.83         − 1.09          0.82           6.07
            POL2           − 11.27         − 11.24          11.40          0.17          − 1.19         − 0.31
            KIT3           − 17.87         − 10.32          25.79         − 3.64         − 2.14          8.49
            ARTU            − 1.81         − 10.43           5.84         − 1.72          0.16          − 0.95
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83