Page 81 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 81

Cheng et al. Satell Navig             (2021) 2:2                                       Page 9 of 12

            especially in the alignment of a regional reference frame   larger than 1  dm are shown in this fgure. From Fig.  7
            with the CGCS2000 to obtain the positions of the GNSS   we can see that inappropriate corrections result in the
            stations in the CGCS2000, the regional network can be   wrong tie to the CGCS2000, causing the GNSS network
            distorted.                                        distortion,  especially  in  southwest  China  and  northeast
              Currently, two common methods for correcting the   China. Te directions of the vectors agree well with the
            coordinate of a GNSS station from the observation   movement directions of the plate where the stations are
            epoch to the CGCS2000 reference epoch are the quasi-  located, and larger diferences occurred in the subplates
            stable adjustment under the CGCS2000 and the plate   whose motion is inconsistent with that of the subplates in
            movement correction (Cheng 2017). In the frst method,   middle China.
            the single-day normal equations are adjusted by tightly   Figure  8 shows another case, a regional GNSS net-
            constraining  some  of  the  GNSS  stations,  which are   work in Shandong province, for a further comparison of
            used as quasi-stable reference stations, to their known   the diferences resulting from the above two methods.
            CGCS2000 coordinates, and in the second method, the   Te observations were from 154 well distributed GNSS
            coordinates derived from these normal equations in the   stations over the 30-day period in April 2015. From this
            current ITRF are corrected to the CGCS2000 using a   fgure, a small but noticeable rotation angle among these
            plate motion model.                               vectors can be seen, although the absolute magnitudes of
              To analyze the coordinate diferences at GNSS stations   the vectors are not large (under 2 cm). If these stations
            in mainland China due to diferent correction meth-  were used as control points in the later adjustment of the
            ods used, observations over a 30-day period from 1 to   network, it would lead to a rotation of the whole network.
            31 August, 2015, in a network of about 1800 nationwide
            GNSS stations were processed in the ITRF2005. Te   Accuracy of the CGCS2000 linear maintenance
            aforementioned two methods were applied to obtain-  Te CGCS2000 has been used for nearly 20  years. To
            ing two sets of coordinates in the CGCS2000, i.e. one   evaluate  the  accuracy  of  the  CGCS2000  linear  mainte-
            set from a quasi-stable adjustment in the CGCS2000   nance, the results from the six stations listed in the last
            (ITRF97), and the other set from a combined adjustment   column in Table 2 were used for the six corresponding
            of multi-day solutions in the ITRF2005, and then correct-  subplates. Tese subplates were further grouped into sta-
            ing the coordinates from the ITRF2005 to the CGCS2000   ble and unstable areas. Te stable area was in the middle
            with plate movement corrections. Te diference in the   of China including the south China, eastern Shandong,
            two sets of coordinates at the same station was calculated   north China subplates. while the unstable area was in
            and the results expressed in vectors are shown in Fig. 7.   the west or southwest China including the Chuandian,
            Note that only the stations that have the diferences   Junggar and Lhasa subplates. Te coordinates of these

              Fig. 8  Vectors of the diferences in the plane coordinates with two methods in Shandong province
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