Page 86 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 86

Shi et al. Satell Navig             (2021) 2:5                                           Page 2 of 13

            Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO) spacecrafts which   conclusions about GTO may not be applicable for the
            have  +Z (nadir) and  −Z (zenith) antenna. Zentgraf   launch scenario of a typical GEO spacecraft via SSTO. To
            et al. (2010) studied the performance in GEO using the   evaluate the feasibility of autonomous navigation using
            GPS/Galileo,  while the  receiver has +Z and +X anten-  the  signals from the  opposite of  the earth in the  GEO
            nas. Liu et al. (2016) analyzed the data from the GNSS   launch process (Shijian-20), this paper will evaluate the
            receiver (only tracking GPS and GLONASS signal) on   autonomous navigation performance in the launch pro-
            the Chang’E-5T spacecraft and verifed the validity of   cess including SSTO and GEO. It also demonstrates how
            GNSS based on the orbit determination during the lunar   the GEO/IGSO navigation satellites of BDS improve the
            exploration. Tese results showed that a combined navi-  navigation performance when considering the latest BDS,
            gation constellation can efectively increase the number   GPS, Galileo and GLONASS satellites in 2020. Obvi-
            of available satellites and improve the positioning accu-  ously, the physical visibility between the spacecraft and
            racy. However, previous researchers usually focused only   the GNSS satellites and the minimum received power
            on the GPS-Galileo or the GPS-GLONASS combined    directly determine the feasibility of autonomous naviga-
            system, which consists of Medium Earth Orbit (MEO)   tion, the Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP), which
            satellites. Palmerini (2014) pointed out that under the   measures the positioning accuracy, and the Doppler shift
            combination of dual navigation  systems, the signals   needed in signal processing module. Terefore, the simu-
            obtained are usually extremely weak and have a short   lation results will be presented in the following section.
            duration for the receiver at very high altitude so that the
            receiver needs to work in snapshot mode and the opera-  Simulation models and assumptions
            tion is highly dependent on its software algorithm and   Background
            hardware resources. Due to a limited number of visible   Entering  GEO  via  SSTO  follows  the  following  steps:
            satellites with double GNSSs, most researches focused   frstly,  CZ-5  Y3  is  launched  into  a circular  orbit  with
            on the method of orbit fltering or satellite selection algo-  a height of about 193  km, and ignite at perigee into
            rithm to analyze the autonomous navigation of GEO or   SSTO with apogee of about 68,017  km. After reach-
            High Elliptic Orbit (HEO) spacecraft for improving its   ing the apogee of SSTO, the Shijian-20 engine is fred
            accuracy (Lorga et al. 2010; Zou et al. 2019). Wang (2019)   to elevate the perigee altitude to the synchronous orbit
            also developed GNSS receiver based on GPS and BDS   height and decrease the orbit inclination angle to about
            and focused on the processing of navigation signals, e.g.   0°. Ten it decelerates at the perigee and performs sev-
            fast acquisition and tracking of high sensitivity signals.   eral orbit maneuvers to the target GEO. Due to the low
            In 2020, with the completion of BeiDou Navigation Sat-  speed at apogee, the fuel required for Shijian-20 at SSTO
            ellite System with Global Coverage (BDS-3), there are   apogee is less than that required at GTO apogee which
            four  GNSSs with approximately 122 satellites (opera-  means it has a longer orbital lifetime. Te SSTO and last
            tional). In addition to the traditional 27 MEO satellites,   orbit maneuvers on synchronous orbit are two impor-
            BDS also has 10 Inclined Geo-Synchronous Orbit (IGSO)   tant stages in the launch process. Tus, these scenarios
            satellites and 9 GEO satellites (CSNO 2019). Compared   were chosen for analysis in this paper. Figure 1 shows the
            with the traditional constellation composed of MEO   launch process of Shijian-20 via SSTO.
            satellites only, the unique satellite composition of BDS
            constellation can greatly increase the number of visible   GNSS satellites
            satellites.                                       According to the latest Two-Line Element (TLE) data on
              With  the  construction  of  global  satellite  communi-  the related website database and the BDS ofcial docu-
            cation/meteorology constellation in the future, many   ments BDS, GPS, Galileo and GLONASS constellations
            GEO satellites need to be launched and maintained   are established (CSNO 2019; Kelso 2020), while the BDS
            while autonomous navigation based on multi-GNSSs is   satellites decommissioned is not considered. Te constel-
            a key issue. In the recent China GEO (Shijian-20) satel-  lation elements are listed in Table 1. Note that the BDS
            lite launch mission by CZ-5(Y-3) in December 2019,   IGSO and GEO satellites are not evenly distributed in
            Super-Synchronous Transfer Orbit (SSTO) was used for   longitudes, and they are all distributed between 60° E and
            the orbit maneuver. Compared with GTO, the apogee   160° E, which means that some synchronous orbit satel-
            altitude of SSTO is more than 36,000 km while the satel-  lites will be covered by very few or none BDS IGSO or
            lite altitude higher than 20,000 km is for nearly 90% of   GEO satellites depending on their longitude.
            the time and higher than 36,000 km is for approximately
            75% of the time. It means that for most of the time, the   Physical visibility and received power
            receiver can only use +Z antenna to receive leak signals   In practice, the spacecraft always uses more than one
            from the opposite of the Earth. Terefore, the previous   antenna to provide navigation service (Zentgraf et  al.
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