Page 83 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 83

Cheng et al. Satell Navig             (2021) 2:2                                      Page 11 of 12

            plate motion in updating the CGCS2000 and its accuracy   in those complicated geological areas. Te longer the
            evaluation. Tese approaches and test results are summa-  time from the CGCS2000 reference epoch, the larger
            rized below:                                          the diferences between the transformed coordinates
                                                                  with the linear velocity model and the CGCS2000
              1.  For selecting global control stations, a more rigid cri-  reference coordinates will be.
                terion was proposed and implemented using a sta-
                tistic method called the supervised clustering based   Te key role of the CGCS2000 maintenance lies in
                on the plate-fxed coordinate system to identify and   obtaining high-accuracy positions at any epoch. Tis
                select the stations whose movements agreed well   research indicated that various strategies should be
                with the movement of the corresponding plate. Tis   developed to improve the accuracy of the CGCS2000
                criterion and the supervised clustering were applied   frame construction and maintenance. However, for a
                to the selection of the stations whose velocity and   long-term maintenance, the accuracy of the CGCS2000
                azimuth residuals were both under their two sigma   frame based on a linear velocity model may be at a level
                standards. From the initial 126 global candidate sta-  of 2–3  cm, or even worse, especially in those unstable
                tions, 92 IGS stations were selected as the global con-  areas. If the accuracy cannot meet the requirements for
                trol stations.                                some applications, e.g. accurate local monitoring net-
              2.  For a better alignment of the Chinese regional net-  works and regional reference frames for large-scale map-
                work with the ITRF2005, ten out of 92 IGS stations   ping, the continuous observations for several years at the
                in China and its surrounding area were used as the   Chinese national GNSS stations are needed to improve
                regional control stations and their coordinates were   the accuracy of the velocity feld, or the CGCS2000 frame
                obtained from a global combined adjustment under   is to be updated.
                the control of the 92 global control stations. Te
                results indicated the accuracy of the alignment of the   Acknowledgements
                                                              We are grateful to professor Suqin Wu at China University of Mining and Tech-
                10 regional control stations with the ITRF2005 was   nology for useful discussion and suggestions. This work was also supported by
                improved from a cm-level to a mm-level, compared   the team members, Xin Chen, Le Gao and Jun Wan who are master students.
                with the coordinates of these stations obtained from   Authors’ contributions
                the velocities provided in the ITRF documentation.  PC proposed the research and supervised the experiments. YC performed
              3.  To evaluate how well a regional network is aligned   the research, analyzed the data and wrote the paper. XW processed the GNSS
                with an ITRF, the magnitudes of the coordinate cor-  data and estimated the velocities of stations. YX developed the software of
                                                              correcting GNSS position to CGCS2000. All authors read and approved the
                rections at the 10 regional control stations were used   fnal manuscript.
                as the indicator. Te smaller the correction value, the
                better the agreement of the two frames is. For testing,   Funding
                                                              This study is supported by the National Key Research and Development Pro-
                one-month observations from 148 SDCORS were   gram of China (2016YFB0501405) and Natural Resources Innovation Platform
                processed and analyzed. Te results show a notice-  Construction and Capacity Improvement (A19090).
                able systematic deviation between the P DRF  and P ERF    Availability of data and materials
                regional reference datum, and the average diferences   All the data used in this project, including the observations of a period of
                at the 148 stations in the Y, X and Z components are   10 years at GPS stations CMONOC, GPS time series from Scripps Orbit and
                about 1.2 cm, 1.0 cm and − 3 mm respectively. Te   Permanent Array Center website and local CORS observations in Shandong
                alignment of the  P ERF  with the ITRF is better than
                that of the P DRF.                            Competing interests
              4.  Te velocities at 1025 Chinese national GNSS refer-  The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
                ence stations were obtained by a least squares esti-  Author details
                mation with the mean precisions in the N, E, U com-  1  Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, 28 Lianhuachi West Road,
                ponents being ± 0.124, ± 0.127 and ± 0.563 mm/a,   Beijing 100036, China.   Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese
                                                              Academy of Sciences, No. 9 Dengzhuang South Road, Haidian District, Bei-
                respectively. Tey were the sample data, to construct   jing 100094, China.
                a 1° × 1° gridded velocity feld in mainland China
                using the  inverse  distance  weighting  interpolation   Received: 27 July 2020   Accepted: 1 December 2020
                method. Te overall precisions of the constructed
                velocity feld in the E, N components were 0.78 mm/a
                and 0.95 mm/a, respectively.                  References
              5.  Currently, the accuracy of the CGCS2000 frame   Altamimi, Z., Métivier, L., & Collilieux, X. (2012). ITRF2008 plate motion
                maintenance based on a linear velocity model is at a   model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, B07402. https ://doi.
                2–3 cm level, and poorer in western China, especially   org/10.1029/2011J B0089 30.
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