Page 75 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 75

Cheng et al. Satell Navig             (2021) 2:2                                       Page 3 of 12

            Selection of control stations                     from the NNR-NUVEL-1A model and the other from an
            It is the common practice that a new ITRF is aligned with   ITRF combined solution, which can be downloaded from
            its previous one by applying the no-net-translation and   the ITRF website, are used to estimate the seven trans-
            no-net-rotation conditions from transformation param-  formation parameters for each plate between the two
            eters in the global well distributed core stations that are   associated frames with the two sets of data using the least
            commonly used for the maintenance of the two ITRFs,   squares method; then the supervised clustering method
            and then the coordinates of these stations in the new   is used to identify the stations to be excluded, whose
            ITRF are estimated by a combined adjustment with the   velocity or azimuth residuals are larger than their two
            minimal constraints. Te seven transformation param-  sigma values. A test on the selection of Chinese national
            eters and their rates between the two ITRFs are estimated   control stations was conducted. 92 stations were selected
            by the least squares method based on the coordinates of   from the initial 126 global IGS candidate stations and
            these core stations. However, if the frame of a regional   used in the estimation of the refned coordinates of the
            GNSS network is aligned with an ITRF, it is unlikely to   global GNSS network, from which the regional control
            use the same core stations as the ones used in the ITRF,   stations were further selected for the estimation of Chi-
            e.g. like the case that some of the core stations have no   nese national velocity feld. Figure 1 shows the distribu-
            observations or have bad observations during the period   tion (red stars) of the 92 stations, along with the other
            of investigation. Tus the global control stations, which   global IGS stations (blue dots) in the ITRF2005 frame.
            determine a reference coordinate datum, are selected to   For the detailed procedure refers to (Cheng et al. 2020).
            better represent the relationship between the two frames.
            Tese global control stations are used as control stations   Coordinate refnement of regional control stations
            for a global combined adjustment to estimate the coor-  Similar to the selection of global control stations for the
            dinates of all the global stations used in the adjustment   determination of the coordinate datum of a global GNSS
            for the ITRF construction. To align the regional GNSS   network, regional control stations are needed in multi-
            network tightly with the ITRF, regional control stations   day combined adjustments for the regional network and
            can be selected from the global control stations selected   aligning the regional network with the associated ITRF.
            above for a regional combined adjustment. Te strategy   In this study, for the adjustment of the Chinese GNSS
            for the selection of such a group of global control stations   network, among the 92 global control stations selected
            is proposed in this study. Since the International Ter-  above, only the stations within the Chinese region and
            restrial Reference System (ITRS) is defned as an earth-  its surrounding areas were chosen as the regional con-
            fx coordinate system, all GNSS stations are assumed   trol stations. For the evaluation of the alignment of
            to fx on the earth crust and have the same movements   the regional network with the ITRF, the corrections of
            theoretically. However, the earth crust comprises sev-  the  coordinates  of  these  regional  control  stations  with
            eral  plates,  which  have  diferent  movement  trends  and   respect to their prior coordinates, i.e. the known coordi-
            magnitudes, thus regional GNSS stations are most likely   nates were used as an indicator. In this study the known
            to move with their corresponding plates. Based on this   coordinates were referred to the refned coordinates of
            reasoning, a plate-fxed coordinate system is proposed   the stations estimated in the global combined adjust-
            in this study for a better alignment of a regional GNSS   ment. Te smaller the corrections, the better the align-
            network with the ITRF. In contrast to the general crite-  ment accuracy is. Te coordinates of the regional control
            ria for the selection of the ITRF stations, i.e. only based   stations, which determine the regional coordinate datum
            on the precisions of the coordinates and/or velocities of   for the regional combined adjustment, can be estimated
            the stations, we take into account the characteristics of   through the combination of constraint-free normal equa-
            the plate movements in addition to applying the general   tion systems obtained from several IGS analysis centers,
            criteria for selecting initial candidates. Among the initial   or obtained based on the station velocities at the refer-
            candidate stations only those whose motions are consist-  ence epoch, provided in ITRF documentation. Here-
            ent with the corresponding plate movements are selected   after, the two datum or frames constructed are named
            as the global control stations. A statistic method, called   Epoch Reference Frame (ERF) and Derived Reference
            supervised clustering, is employed to identify the con-  Frame (DRF), respectively. Te former represents the
            sistency between the movements of the stations and the   real position of each station at a given epoch, while the
            plate. Tis can ensure that all selected control stations are   latter is the mean position of the station in a period of
            in a stable area of the plate so that they can well represent   time, and their diferences can reach several centimeters.
            the real movement of the plate.                   Te diferences are mainly caused by the site’s non-linear
              Te procedure for the selection of global control sta-  movement driven by geophysical mechanism, such as
            tions is as follows. Two sets of velocity data, one obtained   seasonal changes, position jumps, high-frequency loads
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