Page 70 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 70

Han et al. Satell Navig            (2021) 2:18                                           Page 8 of 10

            reference frame points (Liu,  2019). About 10 monitor-  accuracy depending on the length of the forecast time;
            ing stations, 3 International GNSS Service (IGS) stations   and the other is the autonomous solution on the satel-
            in China and some other IGS stations around the world   lite.  Te EOP  is essentially three  Euler angles between
            are involved in the BDCS. GNSS observations are mainly   GCRS and GTRS. To solve for EOP the observations that
            used at present, and other observations, such as VLBI,   connect two reference systems are needed. Te satellites
            SLR, may also be used. Te frame points are monitored   need to observe celestial bodies, which refect the orien-
            continuously and their coordinates are adjusted together   tation of GCRS, and the ground stations, called anchor
            with IGS stations. Te coordinates and velocities of frame   stations, which refect the orientation of GTRS. In this
            points will be determined regularly.              case, the solution accuracy of EOP depends on not only
              Te  coordinates  are  in  accordance  with  ITRF2014  at   the astronomical observations but also the number and
            centimeter level. Te scale diference is about 1.1 × 10  .   distribution of anchor stations. Similar to the mode with
            Table  2 shows the transformation parameters between   the  supports of  MCS, the ground  anchor  stations have
            the two coordinate systems (Liu,  2018), where mas is   great impacts on the accuracy of the user’s positioning
            the milliarcsecond and ppb is one part per 1,000,000,000   and timing.
              (10 ) parts.                                      It should be noted that the observation model of EOP
              BDCS is a realization of GTRS, and its relationship   in the autonomous operation mode must be established
            with GCRS satisfes Eq. (12). At present, the implementa-  within the BCRS framework, considering that celestial
            tion accuracy of BDCS can only reach the magnitude of   bodies are very far away and the scope of application of
            centimeters. In the future, in order to meet the applica-  GCRS is limited to the vicinity of the Earth.
            tion needs with higher accuracy, we must realize BDCS
            with millimeter accuracy, improve the accuracy of obser-  BDS time
            vations, use multi-source data, and continuously improve   Te time reference for BDS Time (BDT) synchroniza-
            the accuracy of reference frame points and EOP. EOP is   tion, precise orbit determination and system operation is
            indispensable for the precise orbit determination and   BDT. Similar to GPS Time (GPST), BDT is diferent from
            prediction of BDS satellites and precise time synchro-  Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). It is a continuous
            nization. However, the dynamical modeling error, the   time scale without leap seconds. In the BDS Radio Navi-
            so-called Coriolis force of non-inertial reference frame   gation Satellite Service (RNSS), BDT is counted in Week
            caused by the error of EOP, is not signifcant in the oper-  Number (WN) and Seconds of Week (SOW). Te repeti-
            ation mode supported by MCS. Although the orbit is   tion period of WN in BDS is 8 times larger than that of
            given in the GCRS, the positions of navigation satellites   GPS, and the maximum of WN does not exceed 8192. In
            are essentially determined by the ground monitor sta-  the BDS Radio Determination Satellite Service (RDSS),
            tions. Usually, the orbit determination arc is not long,   BDT is counted in Year Number (YN) and Minutes of
            about a few days, the systematic infuence of the EOP   Year  (MOY).  Te  zero  point  of  BDT  is  UTC  00:00:00
            error on the coordinates can be ignored because the   on January 1, 2006. At this moment WN and SOW are
            orbit parameters broadcast by the navigation satellite are   equal to zero, YN is 6 and MOY is 480. Compared with
            transformed back to the BDCS through almost the same   the system times of GPS and Galileo, the choice of the
            coordinate transformation. Essentially, in this operation   zero point of BDT is not only for saving bytes, but also
            mode the process of positioning and timing is determin-  for being easier to remember. It is the beginning of the
            ing the space–time coordinates of an unknown station   year (Han et al., 2011).
            or user by the known ground stations. High accuracy of   Conceptually, BDT is an implementation of Terrestrial
            EOP is not needed, and milli-arcsecond level is enough.  Time (TT). According to IAU2000 Resolution B1.9, the
              In the autonomous operation mode where the system   following relationship holds between TT and TCG (Han,
            loses the support of MCS, there are two ways to obtain   2017; Sofel et al., 2003):
            the EOP: one is the long-term forecasting with the

            Table 2  Seven parameters of conversion between BDCS and ITRF2014
            Item        T  (mm)     T  (mm)      T  (mm)      R  in mas     R  in mas    R  in mas     Scale
                                                                                                       factor in
            Value        − 0.37     1.12          − 0.55      0.01           − 0.02      0.05          0.011
            RMS          0.74       0.74          0.74        0.03           0.03        0.04          0.012
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75