Page 66 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 66

Han et al. Satell Navig            (2021) 2:18                                           Page 4 of 10

            characteristics of inertial space is that the infuences of non-  coordinates. Due to the in-homogeneity of space–time, the
            far-distant celestial bodies need to be taken into account for   local inertial system of a space–time point is limited not
            the local inertial space. Te spin of a gyro will undergo a so-  only in space, but also in time. In practice, we often need
            called de Sitter precession relative to the far-distant celestial   a local inertial system that is not limited in time, such as a
            bodies, which is also named as geodesic precession.  local inertial system centered at a spacecraft. For such a local
              Tere is no doubt that the gravitation forces acting on the   reference system, the scope of adaptation is not a sphere
            particles near the origin are almost the same, and free particles   but a pipeline in the 4D space–time. Tis unrestricted local
            move in a uniform form in the eyes of the observer located   inertial system in time is the local Lorentz reference frame
            at the origin. Terefore, we need no gravitation but inertia   for a free observer.
            to describe the particle motions in the local space, in which   It is  very convenient to use the observer’s local inertial
            the tidal forces generated by external celestial bodies can be   system to express the events that occur in the space near
            ignored. However, the local Lorentz reference frame satisfes   the observer. But in most cases, a global coordinate system
            the Newtonian inertia condition is just a diferential approxi-  must be used which covers the entire space–time range to
            mation in mathematics, and its spatial application range is   describe the movement of substance in a large-scale space.
            very limited. Due to the non-uniform nature of the gravita-  Terefore, it is often necessary to give the transformation
            tional feld, there is no true Newtonian inertial space in the   relationship between the local inertial system and the global
            real large-scale space–time.                      coordinate system.
              For a curved space, if the coordinate basis vectors {e α } of   According to Eqs. (1) or (2), the relationship between the
            a coordinate system {x } are orthogonal to a certain space-  local inertial system {x } and the global coordinate system

            time point P x  , and its afne connection coefcients are   {x } can be expressed as:

            zero, then the reference frame formed by the coordinate
            basis vectors of the point is a Lorenz reference frame. Tere-  x = x µ    + e x − Γ  µ   x κ A  e e x x + ···  (3)
                                                                               µ ′j
                                                                                               γ ′j ′k
                                                                                              j k
            fore, it forms a local inertial coordinate system nearby. Te            2  γ
            basic conditions can be expressed as:             or
                     �  �
                                                                      �

                 g µν x                                                  0  ′  1  0 ′j  1  0  �  κ  �   γ ′j ′k
                       A  = η µν                                   t =  e dt + e x −    Γ   x  e e x x + ···
                                                         (1)              0     c  j   2c  γ  A  k j
                     �  �
                 Γ   x   = 0
                   αβ  A                                           i    i  � �  i ′j  1  i  �  κ  �   γ ′j ′k
                                                                   x = x  t  + e x − Γ   x  e e x x + ···
                                                                         A      j       γ  A  k j

            where  g µν x  are the common metric coefcients,  η                                         (4)

                       A            µ                   μν

            are the Minkowski ones, Γ αβ  x  are the afne coef-  It can be seen from the coordinate relationship Eq. (4) that
            cients of connection or expressed in vectors:     the relationship is nonlinear between the local inertial sys-
                                                              tem and the global coordinate system. Since the coordinate
                    �  �    �  �
                 e µ x   · e ν x   =η                      relationship is developed approximately by using the Taylor
                      A       A    µν
                      �  �                                    series of 1/c , the applicable scope of the local inertial system is
                 Γ µν x   = 0
                        A                                     determined by the convergence of the series.
              Te frst equation of Eq. (1) or Eq. (2) is is the orthogo-  The barycentric celestial reference system
            nal normalization condition of the coordinate basis vectors.   In astronomy, the mass center of the celestial body or system
            Although orthogonal normalization is not a necessary con-  under study is generally chosen as the origin of the space–time
            dition for the inertial reference system, the Cartesian coor-  reference system, and its coordinate axes are required to have
            dinate system has natural application advantages. Terefore,   spatial non-rotating characteristics. Te so-called non-rotating
            when establishing a reference system, we always hope that   has two meanings. One is that the space coordinate axes have
            the coordinate bases can meet the condition of orthogonal   no spatial rotation relative to a far-distant celestial body such as
            normalization. Te second condition equation is the core of   the extragalactic radio sources, which is named as the kinemat-
            the local inertial system, which requires the coordinate basis   ical non-rotating, and the other is that they are relative to gyro
            vectors to satisfy the characteristics of parallel movement at   or the inertial space and named as the dynamical non-rotating
            the origin. In other words, the time axis of the local inertial   (Han, 1997).
            system is a time-like geodesic, and the space coordinate axes   For an isolated celestial system, the kinematic non-rota-
            near the origin are space-like geodesic lines.    tion and the dynamic non-rotation are equivalent. How-
              Te coordinates that satisfy the geodesic condition are   ever, for non-isolated systems, due to the infuence of local
            called Fermi coordinates, so the local inertial system is   substance on space–time there will be a slight diference
            an orthogonal Fermi coordinate system or Fermi normal   between them. For example, there is a very slow spatial
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