Page 61 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 61

Chen et al. Satell Navig            (2021) 2:12                                          Page 6 of 7

            Table 2  Summary of SBAS performance with and without ECDSA and TESLA authentication, for cases with PER = 0 and PER = 1 ×  10 –3
            Items               Results for PER = 0               Results for PER = 1 ×  10 –3
                                No authentication  ECDSA/TESLA    No authentication      ECDSA        TESLA

            VPE 95%             2.86 m             2.90 m         2.86 m                 2.94 m       2.93 m
            VPL 99%             17.37 m            17.57 m        17.38 m                17.93 m      17.91 m
            Continuity risk      < 8 ×  10 –6       < 8 ×  10 –6   < 8 ×  10 –6          7.7 ×  10 –3  5.9 ×  10 –3
            Availability (PL < AL)  99.71%         99.63%         99.71%                 99.80%       99.19%
            AER                 N/A                0              N/A                    0.5%         0.3%
            VPE 95%             1.66 m             1.72 m         1.66 m                 1.72 m       1.72 m
            VPL 99%             9.98 m             10.33 m        9.98 m                 10.39 m      10.43 m
            Continuity risk      < 8 ×  10 –6       < 8 ×  10 –6   < 8 ×  10 –6          5.8 ×  10 –3  7.1 ×  10 –3
            Availability (PL < AL)  99.89%         99.85%         99.89%                 99.17%       99.45%
            AER                 N/A                0              N/A                    0.5%         0.3%

            reduce its service performances such as integrity and   Acknowledgements
            continuity so that the demand for Category I of Preci-  Not applicable.
            sion Approach (CAT-I) may not be met. Several aspects   Authors’ contributions
            need to be improved in the future, such as the selec-  Conceptualization: YL, WG, XC, TL, CL and GS; Methodology: XC, TL, JL and CL;
            tion of authentication protocols, optimal confguration   Writing original draft: XC and SM; Editing: XC, WW and YL; Review: YL, XC, WG
            of authentication parameters, processing of bit errors at   and JL. All authors read and approved the fnal manuscript.
            the user terminals, and integrated applications of Auto-  Funding
            matic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)/SBAS.   This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
            Overall performance evaluation for SBAS also needs to   China (61601009, 41974041) and the Young Talent Supporting Program of the
                                                              China Association for Science and Technology (2019QNRC001).
            be carried out to ensure the balance between the SBAS
            augmentation service and authentication service.  Availability of data and materials
              In order to add authentication processing in the current   Not applicable.
            SBAS processing at user terminals, we need to study the   Declarations
            strategies of processing diferent authentication results to
            ensure the real-time use of integrity alarm information   Competing interests
            (< 6 s). Meanwhile, SBAS MOPS must be taken into con-  The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
            sideration in aviation applications.              Author details
              Concerning the compatibility and interoperability of   1  Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunication Technology, Bei-
            GNSS/SBAS authentication, SBAS authentication only   jing 100094, China.   Beihang University, Beijing, China.   Aerospace Informa-
            ensures the security of the augmentation service. How-  tion Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100094, China.
                                                               University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China.
            ever, the security of GNSS system is the cornerstone of
            the security for GNSS positioning service. European Gali-  Received: 28 December 2020   Accepted: 18 March 2021
            leo plans to provide OS-NMA authentication, and Amer-
            ican Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) will launch
            Navigation  Technology  Satellite-3  (NTS-3)  to  imple-
            ment technical trials of GPS signal authentication based   References
                                                              Chiara, A. D., Broi, G. D., Pozzobon, O., Sturaro, S., Caparra, G., Laurenti, N., &
            on Chips-Message Robust Authentication (CHIMRA)      Chatre, E. (2016a) Authentication Concepts for Satellite-Based Augmenta-
            signals. In the future, it is necessary to implement signal   tion Systems, ION GNSS+ 2016, Portland.
            authentication of GNSS and the design of compatibility   Chiara, A. D., Broi, G. D., Pozzobon, O., Sturaro, S., Caparra, G., Laurenti, N., &
                                                                 Chatre, E. (2016b). Authentication concepts for satellite-based augmenta-
            and interoperability of GNSS/SBAS authentication.    tion systems. In Proceedings of the 29th international technical meeting
              In the development of SBAS authentication standards   of the satellite division of the institute of navigation (ION GNSS+ 2016) (pp.
            we  should  consider  the  SBAS  operation  process  and   Chiara, A. D., Broi, G. D., Pozzobon, O., Sturaro, S., Caparra, G., Laurenti, N., &
            cryptographic algorithm standards in diferent countries,   Fernandez-Hernandez, I. (2017). SBAS authentication proposals and
            and have sufcient trials.                          performance assessment. In Proceedings of the 30th international technical
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