Page 102 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 102

Shinghal and Bisnath  Satell Navig            (2021) 2:10                                Page 5 of 17

              Fig. 3  Variation of C/N  with elevation angle for Xiaomi MI 8 and Piksi in a medium multipath, kinematic scenario, DOY 325, 2019

            A  similar  performance  is  observed  for  the  L5  and  E5a   from  Wanninger  and  Heßelbarth  (2020)  in  static  open
            signals. Also, for L5/E5a, it is observed that the C/N    sky environments.
            decreases above an elevation angle of 50° in medium   Te pseudorange multipath was estimated by taking
            to high multipath environments and above 60° in static   the linear combination of the code and carrier-phase
            open sky conditions. Tese fndings correspond to results   observables with mean removed. Te multipath efect on
                                                              the signals for Xiaomi MI 8 is on an average 84% higher

              Fig. 4  Variation in C/N , elevation angle and pseudorange multipath for two satellites in A kinematic, medium multipath scenario
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