Page 107 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 107

Shinghal and Bisnath  Satell Navig            (2021) 2:10                               Page 10 of 17

            Table 5  PPP 2D RMS positioning accuracy using diferent   Measurement prediction
            stochastic models for smartphone reset experiment, DOY 146,   A measurement prediction technique has been devised
            2019                                              to predict missing measurements to increase position-
            Time    2D RMS error (m) C/  2D RMS error (m)   Percentage   ing solution availability. As mentioned earlier, it was
            Interval   N -based weighting  Elevation-based   diference   extremely difcult to tune the noise parameters for the
            (min)                   weighting      (%)        highly variable smartphone raw GNSS measurements in
            0–20    1.7             2.8            64.7       realistic environments in an EKF flter. Accordingly, the
            20–40   5.2             5.3             1.9       EKF flter could not used for measurement prediction.
            40–60   4.1             5.1            24.4       Hence, a separate measurement prediction technique
                                                              had to be devised. Various real-time extrapolation
                                                              and estimated Doppler prediction techniques were
                                                              tested; however, they were discarded for a simple linear
              Te RMS horizontal errors for the 20-min segment for
            two weighting strategies are highlighted in Table 5.  extrapolator, as it provides lower prediction error for
              Tese results depict the efectiveness of a C/N -based   flling data-gaps in low to medium multipath environ-
            technique due to signifcantly reduced initialization error   ments. For example, the estimated Doppler prediction
            on each reset and lower RMS error. Overall, the mean   technique (Li et al. 2019) is limited by a lack of knowl-
            RMS error was 30% lower for the C/N -based weighting   edge of dynamics without the aid of an Inertial Meas-
            strategy for the three segments.                  urement Unit (IMU). Te current research focuses on
              Te post-ft residuals for the three weighing models are   GNSS-only  processing.  Te  logged  Doppler  measure-
            compared in Table 6.                              ments show large variability and gaps, as can be seen in
              Te C/N -based model outperformed the other two   Fig. 12 and therefore cannot be used for prediction.
            models  in  terms  of  residual  magnitude,  as  there is  a   For satellite G32, there are no L1 carrier-phase meas-
            decrease in residual magnitude with increasing C/N    urements depicted by the jumps in the logged Dop-
            values. No  such dependence  can  be observed  for the   pler measurements, even though the satellite had a
            residuals and the elevation angle as seen in Fig. 11, where   mean elevation of above 70° and a C/N  value averag-
            the C1 post-ft residuals for three satellites have plotted   ing 35  dB·Hz. Te lack of L1 carrier-phase measure-
            against C/N  and elevation angle.                 ments in such a scenario could be attributed to the
                                                              low-cost antenna. For satellite E30, the L5 Doppler

            Table 6  Post-ft residual RMS for diferent stochastic models for Xiaomi MI 8, DOY 146, 2019

            Scenario                      Post-ft C1 (m)    Post-ft L1 (cm)   Post-ft C5 (m)   Post-ft L5 (cm)
            Static stochastic model       13.8               32.7               2.3               25.8
            C/N -based stochastic model    4.3                6.0               1.9                4.3
            Elevation-based stochastic model  5.0             9.0               2.1                6.1

              Fig. 11  Variation of PPP C1 post-ft residuals with C/N  and elevation angle for Xiaomi MI 8, DOY 146, 2019
   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111   112