Page 105 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 105

Shinghal and Bisnath  Satell Navig            (2021) 2:10                                Page 8 of 17

            observable using the blue and red box graph. Te num-  measurement noises,  σ 2   ,  σ 2   of the C/A-code and
            bers on the right indicate the duration in terms of sec-  carrier-phase measurements, respectively, at zenith is
            onds or epochs. Te blue boxes signify the presence of   directly proportional to the square of the pseudorange
            the observable, while the red boxes indicate the absence   chip length,   C/A  or  carrier wavelength, and inversely
            of the observable. Te L5 carrier-phase measurements   proportional to the C/N  (Braasch and van Dierendonck
            are the most afected, followed by the L1 carrier-phase   1999). Unlike geodetic receivers, an elevation angle-
            measurements, and the presence of all four observa-  based  weighing  strategy  is  not  justifed  for  smartphone
            bles decreased from 90% in low multipath static envi-  GNSS  measurements, as  smartphones  receive  signals
            ronments to just 47% in medium multipath kinematic   from all directions and have varying orientations due to
            environments and 20% in high multipath scenarios. Te   use. (Paziewski et al. 2019; Banville et al. 2019). A C/N -
            smartphone antenna is not as sensitive to tracking the   based stochastic model had been suggested by Banville
            L5 signal as compared to the L1 signal (Wanninger and   et al. (2019) where the parameters used to compute the
            Heßelbarth  2020), which explains the frequent phase-  standard deviation of the code and carrier-phase meas-
            loss-of-lock and consequent data gaps afecting the L5   urements were estimated from the flter residuals. Tis
            carrier-phase measurements the most. Tese data gaps in   model was adapted to assign measurement weights based
            any particular observable lead to the rejection of the sat-  on multipath noise, chipping-length or wavelength and
            ellite in the processing. And subsequently, after satellite   C/N  Since measurement prediction is carried out, espe-
            rejections due to missing observables or large residuals,   cially for the missing carrier-phase measurements, the
            the count of useable satellites falls to below the minimum   prediction error (1 m) was incorporated into this weigh-
            requirement resulting in no solution.             ing factor. Te C/N -based stochastic model is as follows
              Figure 8 compares the count of actual satellites avail-  (Banville et al. 2019):
            able versus useable satellites after rejection for the driv-
            ing dataset, with the solution gap portions identifed with   σ = a + b × 10 − ×  C/N 0       (1)
            black arrows.
              On average, 11 satellites were tracked, but only 5 could    where a is the RMS of pseudorange multipath noise for
            be processed after rejections due to large residual mag-  code measurements, while it is limited to the 1 m wave-
            nitude, low elevation angle or C/N  value, or missing   length for carrier-phase (compensated for prediction
            measurements. Several epochs only had 3 to 4 satellites   error); b is the pseudorange chipping length of C/A-code
            available for processing with all 4 measurements present.  (293  m for L1 measurements and 29.3  m for L5 code
                                                              measurements) or carrier-phase wavelength for code and
                                                              carrier parameters, respectively.
            C/N ‑based stochastic model
            Measurement weighting of parameters is another    Static scenario assessment
            important aspect in PPP processing and since C/N  is   Figure 9 compares the 2D and 3D RMS positioning accu-
            a key quality indicator in assessing smartphone GNSS   racy and convergence time for the static mannequin
            measurements, this ratio can be employed in stochas-  dataset after employing three diferent measurements
            tic modeling (Braasch and van Dierendonck 1999). Te

              Fig. 8  Satellites tracked versus satellites processed in a kinematic medium multipath scenario
   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110