Page 101 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 101

Shinghal and Bisnath  Satell Navig            (2021) 2:10                                Page 4 of 17

              3.  Kinematic: Two datasets collected with the phone   as carrier-to-noise ratio, data gaps and multipath and
                clamped to the car dashboard, driven in a medium   their correlation with each other are then analysed in
                multipath environment at York University, DOY 85   diferent multipath environments.
                and 325, 2019. Collection duration of 41 and 33 min,
                respectively with SwiftNav antenna placed on the car   Carrier‑to‑noise density ratio and multipath
                roof (Fig. 2c).                               C/N  is measured and outputted by the smartphone
              4.  Kinematic: 30-min datasets collected in a high mul-  data logger and is dependent on: the power density of
                tipath urban environment (DOY 54, 2019) and for-  the incoming GNSS signal; reception area and gain of
                ested area (DOY 67, 2019) with the phone in hand   the receiver antenna; satellite elevation; and the receiv-
                while walking and in the pocket while skiing, respec-  ing hardware, including antenna, receiver and cables
                tively (Fig. 2d).                             (Braasch and van Dierendonck  1999; Fortunato et  al.
                                                              2019). Low and irregular C/N  values can be attributed
              Te  measurements  were  processed  with  the  YorkU   to the inability of a smartphone monopole GNSS antenna
            PPP engine—a complete user PPP processor. Tis    to  distinguish  between  incoming right-hand  circularly
            research focuses on dual-frequency GPS (L1 and L5)   polarized signals and refected left-hand circularly polar-
            and Galileo (E1 and E5a) PPP processing in the uncom-  ized signals. Low signal strength and variations further
            bined mode. Te measurements were processed using   compound signal multipath. Te following analysis inves-
            a Sequential Least-Squares (SLS) flter, as the variabil-  tigates these limitations in various realistic environments
            ity in the measurement noise for smartphones GNSS   and their subsequent adverse efects on positioning solu-
            measurements in diferent environments makes pro-  tion quality. Figure 3 illustrates C/N  as a function of the
            cess noise tuning in Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)   elevation angle plot for the Xiaomi MI 8 and SwiftNav
            processing extremely challenging. An elevation angle   Piksi in a medium multipath kinematic scenario.
            mask of 10° and a C/N  mask of 20 dB·Hz were used,   Te received C/N  for the smartphone is not infuenced
            as below these thresholds, measurements  sufer  from   by the elevation angle, while for the SwiftNav, a typical
            high multipath or have several tens of seconds of data   decrease in signal strength with decreasing elevation
            gaps. Also, choosing an extremely high C/N  mask such   angle is observed. Te duration of data collection is about
            as 30 or 35  dB·Hz results in several satellites getting   20 min and hence, there is a lack of data at all elevation
            rejected when data are collected in realistic environ-  angles. Due to the short time of observation for each sat-
            ments, further reducing the available satellite count for   ellite and limited number of satellites being tracked for
            processing. Table 1 discusses the diferent PPP process-  the entire duration of data collection, there are gaps in
            ing parameters deployed in the YorkU PPP processing   the elevation plot. Te average C/N  of the smartphone
            engine. Several measurement quality parameters such   L1 signal is 23% lower than that of the reference receiver.

            Table 1  YorkU-PPP engine processing parameters for smartphones

            Processing parameters                               YORK U GNSS PPP engine settings
            PPP processing mode                                 Uncombined dual-frequency
            Estimator                                           Sequential least squares
            Antenna corrections                                 International GNSS Service (IGS) Antenna Exchange Format (ANTEX)
            Satellite orbits and clocks                         CNT-Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
            Elevation mask                                      10°
            C/N  mask                                           20 dB·Hz for smartphone, 15 dB·Hz for Piksi
            GNSS system                                         GPS, Galileo
            Observations processed                              L1, L5, E1, E5a
            Measurement data format                             RINEX 3.03
            Ionospheric mitigation                              Slant ionospheric delay estimation
                                                                Using Global Ionospheric Maps (GIM’s) as pseudo-observations in the
                                                                 uncombined flter to mitigate and estimate the slant ionospheric
            Tropospheric modelling                              Hydrostatic delay: Davis Global Pressure/Temperature (GPT)
                                                                Wet delay: Estimated
                                                                Mapping function: Global Mapping Function (GMF)
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