Page 113 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 113

Shinghal and Bisnath  Satell Navig            (2021) 2:10                               Page 16 of 17

            Table 9  Comparison of RMS and std of positioning error for PPP,   Conclusions and future work
            RTK and internal positioning solution for Xiaomi MI 8, DOY 85,   Tis research attempts to address gaps in GNSS research
            2019                                              related to smartphones by focusing on analyzing and
            Processing scenario   Horizontal   Solution availability (%)  addressing challenges posed by the non-continuous and
            Xiaomi MI 8    positioning error (m)              poor quality of raw measurements collected in realis-
                           RMS     STD                        tic environments. Te York-PPP engine has been cus-
                                                              tomized for smartphone GNSS measurements through
            PPP             6.84    5.20   2443/2443 = 100    improved C/N -based stochastic modeling and measure-
            RTK             4.55    2.80   2253/2443 = 92     ment prediction. Tested in realistic static and scenarios,
            Internal solution  42.33  16.21  2443/2443 = 100  positioning accuracy is compared with results from SPP
                                                              processing, internal smartphone positioning solutions
                                                              and RTK processing. In static testing, the PPP RMS in the
            solved by prediction in the PPP processing. Figure  18b   horizontal direction is 22 cm and 35 cm in the up direc-
            represents the positioning error comparison for the three   tion.  Tis  positioning  solution  is  certainly  an  improve-
            positioning solutions. Te internal solution performs the   ment from the SPP solution, which has an RMS of 2.0 m
            worst in the circular track, shown in Fig. 17, due to fre-  in the horizontal direction and 3.0 m in the vertical direc-
            quent switching on and of of the position tracking sys-  tion, in low-multipath and open-sky static environments.
            tem. During this circular portion of the track, the PPP   Using developed measurement prediction and stochas-
            solution outperforms the RTK and internal solution. Te   tic modeling approaches to condition the smartphone
            internal solution failed to follow the circular track, while   GNSS measurement, there is a 64% decrease in the hori-
            the RMS of the RTK solution is 6.1 m compared to the   zontal positioning RMS error and 100% positioning solu-
            PPP solution of 5.6 m. Te RTK solution over the circular   tion  availability  with the car  dashboard  data  collected
            portion of the track shows drifts from the reference track   in suburban environments. Tere is a 62% decrease in
            which is due to frequent loss of solution as the satellite   the positioning error and a 23% increase in positioning
            count drops to below the minimum required as a result of   availability over regions where signals are signifcantly
            the rejection of satellites due to missing measurements.  impacted by multipath and blockages. With the help of
                                                              measurement prediction and C/N -based stochastic
                                                              modeling, the post-processed PPP solution had 100%
                                                              availability and outperformed RTK in terms of availability
                                                              of the solution. For the data processed, PPP is 84% more

              Fig. 18  Comparison of 2D RMS error for PPP, RTK and internal positioning solution for Xiaomi MI 8, DOY 85, 2019
   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118