Page 27 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 27

El‑Sheimy and Li  Satell Navig             (2021) 2:7                                 Page 17 of 23

              Fig. 9  INS/Barometer/Mass‑fow/Ultrasonic integrated navigation (modifed on the results reported in Li et al. (2019a))

            Future trends                                     in the direction of low-cost and small-sized to facili-
            Tis section summarizes the future trends for indoor   tate their commercialization. For  HD maps, reducing
            PLAN, including the improvement of sensors, the use of   maintenance costs and increasing update frequency is
            multi-platform, multi-device, and multi-sensor informa-  key. Te camera may further increase its physical per-
            tion fusion, the development of self-learning algorithms   formance such as self-cleaning, larger dynamic range,
            and systems, the integration with 5G/ IoT/ edge comput-  stronger low-light sensitivity, and stronger near-infra-
            ing, and the use of HD maps for indoor PLAN.      red sensitivity.
                                                                It is expected that the introduction of new wireless
                                                              infrastructure features (e.g., 5G, LPWAN, WiFi HALow,
            Improvement of sensors                            WiFi RTT, Bluetooth long range, and Bluetooth direc-
            Table  12 illustrates the future trends of sensors in   tion fnding) and new sensors (e.g., UWB, LiDAR,
            terms of PLAN. Sensors such as LiDAR, RADAR, iner-  depth camera, and high-precision GNSS) in consumer
            tial sensors, GNSS, and UWB are being developed   devices will bring in new directions and opportunities
                                                              for the PLAN society.
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