Page 24 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 24

El‑Sheimy and Li  Satell Navig             (2021) 2:7                                   Page 14 of 23

            generate a database. Finally, the real-time measured fea-  Learning (DRL) (Li et  al.  2019c), and Gaussian Process
            tures are compared with those in the database to localize   (GP) (Hähnel and Fox 2006), have also been applied.
            the device.                                         With the rapid development of machine-learning tech-
              According to the dimensions of measurements and the   niques and the diversity in modern PLAN applications,
            database, database-matching algorithms can be divided   database matching has been attracted even more atten-
            into the 1D (measurement)-to-2D (database) matching,   tion than geometrical methods. Te database matching
            the 2D-to-2D matching, the 2D-to-3D matching, and the   methods are suitable for scenarios that are difcult to
            3D-to-3D matching. In the 1D-to-2D matching, the real-  model or parameterize. On the other hand, the inconsist-
            time feature measurement can be expressed as a vector,   ency between real-time measurement and the database is
            while the database is a matrix. Such a matching approach   the main error source in database matching. Such incon-
            has been used to match features such as wireless RSS   sistency may be caused by the existence of new environ-
            (Li et  al.  2017) and magnetic intensity (Li et  al.  2018).   ments and varying environments and other factors. Te
            Examples of the 2D-to-2D matching are the matching   survey paper (Li et al. 2020a) has a detailed description of
            of  real-time image  features (e.g.,  road  markers) and an   the error sources for database matching.
            image feature database (e.g., a road marker map) (Gruyer
            et al. 2016), and the matching of 2D LiDAR points and   Multi-sensor fusion
            a grid map (de Paula Veronese et al. 2016). By contrast,   Te diversity and redundancy of sensors are essential to
            the 2D-to-3D matching is a current hot spot. For exam-  ensure a high level of robustness and safety of the PLAN
            ple, it matches images to a 3D point cloud map (Wolcott   system. Tis is because various sensors have diferent
            and Eustice  2014). Finally, an example of the 3D-to-3D   functionalities. In addition to their primary functional-
            matching is the matching of 3D LiDAR measurements   ity, each sensor has at least one secondary functionality
            and a 3D point cloud map (Wolcott and Eustice 2017).  to assist the PLAN of other sensors. Table 10 shows the
              According to the prediction algorithm, database-  primary and second functionality of diferent sensors in
            matching algorithms can be divided into the determinis-  terms of PLAN.
            tic (e.g., nearest neighbors (Lim et al. 2006) and Iterative   Due to their various functionalities, diferent sensors
            Closest Point (ICP) (Chetverikov et  al.  2002)) and sto-  provide diferent human-like senses. Table 11 lists PLAN
            chastic (e.g., Gaussian distribution (Haeberlen et  al.   sensors corresponding to diferent senses of the human
            2004), Normal Distribution Transform (NDT) (Biber and   body. Te same type of human-like sensors can provide a
            Straßer 2003), histogram (Rusu et al. 2008), and machine-  backup or augmentation to one another. Meanwhile, the
            learning-based) ones. Machine learning methods, such   diferent types of human-like sensors are complementary.
            as Artifcial Neural Network (ANN) (Li et  al.  2019b),   Tus, by fusing data from a diversity of sensors, extra
            random forests (Guo et  al.  2018), Deep Reinforcement   robustness and safety can be achieved.

            Table 10  Primary and secondary functionality of various sensors in terms of PLAN

            Sensor        Primary functionality              Secondary functionality
            HD map        Precise localization and environment perception  Constrain localization solutions through map matching
            LiDAR         Precise point‑cloud‑based localization  Provide environment models and constraints
            Camera        Provide visual odometry and visual SLAM, or match   Provide environment models and constraints
                           images with a database
            RADAR         Ranging and object detection       Enhance cameras under challenging illumination conditions
            INS           Provide continuous self‑contained position, velocity,  Bridge outages of other sensors, and aid signal acquisition of other sensors
                           and attitude
            Magnetometer  Provide absolute heading           Provide position through magnetic matching
            Odometer      Provide absolute velocity and relative distance  Constrain the drift of INS errors, and bridge GNSS and vision signal outages
            Pressure      Provide absolute height            Identify the foor level and constrain the drift of INS altitude errors
            GNSS          Provide absolute position, velocity and time  Help initialization for DR and database matching
            UWB           Provide absolute position          Provide augmentation to GNSS and INS in indoor and urban areas
            Ultrasonic    Provide absolute position          Enhance navigation under challenging weather conditions
            Visible light  Provide absolute position         Reliable landmark updates for DR
            WiFi/BLE      Provide absolute position          Help initialization for INS and database matching
            5G            Provide absolute position          Model multipath environment
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