Page 23 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 23

El‑Sheimy and Li  Satell Navig             (2021) 2:7                                 Page 13 of 23

            Dead-reckoning techniques                         by fnding periodical characteristics in accelerometer and
            Te basic principle of DR technology is to derive the cur-  gyro measurements (Alvarez et al. 2006), while the step
            rent navigation state by using the previous navigation   length is commonly estimated by training a model that
            state and the angular and linear movements. Te angu-  contains walking-related parameters (e.g., leg length and
            lar and linear movements can be obtained by using the   walking frequency) (Shin et al. 2007).
            measurements of sensors such as inertial sensors, cam-  Tere are DR algorithms based on other types of sen-
            eras, magnetometers, and odometers. Among them,   sors, such as  visual odometry  (Scaramuzza  and  Fraun-
            inertial sensors are most widely used for DR. Tere are   dorfer 2011) and wheel odometry (Brunker et al. 2018).
            two main DR algorithms based on inertial sensors: INS   Magnetometers (Gebre-Egziabher et  al.  2006) are also
            mechanization  and  PDR.  Te  former  is  widely  used  in   used for heading determination.
            land-vehicle,  airborne,  and  shipborne  PLAN  applica-  To achieve a robust long-term DR solution, there are
            tions, while the latter is a common method for pedestrian   several challenges, including the existence of sensor
            navigation. Figure 6 shows the fow of the INS mechani-  errors (Li et al. 2015), the existence of the misalignment
            zation and PDR algorithms. INS can provide 3D naviga-  angle between device and platform (Pei et al. 2018), and
            tion results, while PDR is a 2D navigation method.  the requirement for position and heading initialization.
              Te INS mechanization works  on the integration of   Also, the continuity of data is very important for DR. In
            3D angular rates and linear accelerations (Titterton et al.   some applications, it is necessary to interpolate, smooth,
            2004). Te gyro-measured angular rates are used to   or reconstruct the data (Kim et al. 2016).
            continuously track the 3D attitude between the sensor   DR has become a core technique for continuous and
            frame and the navigation frame. Te obtained attitude   seamless indoor/outdoor PLAN due to its self-contained
            is  then utilized to transform the accelerometer-meas-  characteristics and robust short-term solutions. It is
            ured specifc forces to the navigation frame. Afterward,   strong in either complementing other PLAN techniques
            the gravity vector is added to the specifc force to obtain   when they are available or bridging their signal outages
            the  acceleration  of  the  device  in  the  navigation  frame.   and performance-degradation periods.
            Finally, the acceleration is integrated once and twice
            to determine the 3D velocity and position, respectively.   Database-matching techniques
            Terefore, the residual gyro and accelerometer biases in   Te principle for database matching is to compute the
            general cause position errors proportional to time cubed   diference between the measured fngerprints and the
            and time squared, respectively.                   reference fngerprints in the database and fnd the closest
              In contrast, the PDR algorithm (Li et al. 2017) deter-  match (Li et  al.  2020a). Database-matching techniques
            mines the  current 2D position  by using the previous   are used to process data from various sensors, such as
            position and the latest heading and step length. Tus, it   cameras,  LiDAR,  wireless  sensors, and  magnetometers.
            consists of platform-heading estimation, step detection,   Te database-matching process consists of the steps of
            and step-length estimation. Te platform heading is usu-  feature extraction, database learning, and prediction.
            ally calculated by adding the device-platform misalign-  Figure 7 demonstrates the processes. First, valuable fea-
            ment (Pei et al. 2018) into the device heading, which can   tures are extracted from raw sensor signals. Afterward,
            be tracked by an Attitude and Heading Reference System   features at multiple reference points are combined to
            (AHRS) algorithm (Li et al. 2015). Te steps are detected

                                                               Fig. 7  Diagram of database matching process
              Fig. 6  Diagram of INS mechanization and PDR algorithms
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