Page 18 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 18

El‑Sheimy and Li  Satell Navig             (2021) 2:7                                    Page 8 of 23

            Table 6  New WiFi, BLE, 5G, and LPWAN features that can enhance PLAN
            Technology  New feature
            WiFi      Long range, low power consumption in WiFi HaLow (WiFi‑Alliance 2020); high‑precision ranging in WiFi RTT (IEEE 802.11 mc) (IEEE 2020)
            BLE       Long range in BT long range (BT 5) (Bluetooth 2017); high‑precision direction fnding in Bluetooth 5.1 (Bluetooth 2019)
            5G        Higher base station density (Andrews et al. 2014), mmWave Multiple‑Input And Multiple‑Output (MIMO), large‑scale antenna, and
                        beamforming (Witrisal et al. 2016), device‑to‑device communication (Zhang et al. 2017a), new measurement types (del Peral‑Rosado
                        et al. 2017)
            LPWAN     Low cost, low‑power consumption, long range, new measurement types (Li et al. 2020a)

            three application categories (Restrepo  2020), includ-  thus enhance PLAN performance. Also, it is feasible to
            ing Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communication   add new measurement types (e.g., TDoA (Leugner et al.
            (URLLC) for high-reliability (e.g., 99.999% reliable under   2016)  and  AoA  (Badawy  et  al.  2014))  into  the  5G  and
            500 km/h high-speed motion) and low-latency (e.g., mil-  LPWAN base stations.
            lisecond-level) scenarios (e.g., vehicle networks, indus-  Most of the existing research on 5G and LPWAN based
            trial control, and telemedicine), enhanced Mobile Broad   PLAN  is based  on  theoretical  analysis  and simulation
            Band (eMBB) for high-data-rate (e.g., gigabit-per-second-  data because there are limited real systems. Te stand-
            level, with a peak of 10 gigabits-per-second) and strong   ard for mmWave signal has been late and therefore it is
            mobility scenarios (e.g., video, augmented reality, virtual   difcult to fnd the hardware for experimenting. Te
            reality, and remote ofcing), and massive Machine-Type   accuracy ranges from 100-m-level to centimeter-level,
            Communication (mMTC) for application scenarios (e.g.,   depending on the base station deployment density and
            intelligent agriculture, logistics, home, city, and environ-  the type of measurement used. Te survey paper (Li et al.
            ment monitoring) that have massive nodes which have a   2020a) provides a systematic review of 5G and LPWAN
            low cost, low power consumption, and low data rate.  standardizations, PLAN techniques, error sources, and
              5G has strong potential to change the cellular-based   mitigation. In particular, it summarizes the PLAN errors
            PLAN. First, the coverage range of 5G base stations may   by end-device-related errors, environment-related errors,
            be shrunk from kilometers to hundreds of meters or   base-station-related errors, and data-related errors. It is
            even within 100  m (Andrews et  al.  2014). Te increase   important to mitigate these error sources when using 5G
            of base stations will enhance the signal geometry and   and LPWAN signals for PLAN purposes.
            mitigate Non-Line-of-Sight (NLoS) conditions. Second,   Tere are indoor PLAN solutions based on other types
            5G has new features, including mmWave Multiple-Input   of environmental signals, such as the magnetic (Kok and
            and Multiple-Output (MIMO), large-scale antenna, and   Solin 2018), acoustic (Wang et al. 2017), air pressure (Li
            beamforming. Tese features make it possible to use   et al. 2018), visible light (Zhuang et al. 2019), and mass
            multipath signals to enhance PLAN (Witrisal et al. 2016).   fow (Li et al. 2019a).
            Tird, 5G may introduce device-to-device communi-
            cation (Zhang  et  al.  2017a),  which  makes  cooperative   Navigation and positioning sensors
            PLAN possible.                                    Inertial navigation system
              Meanwhile,  the  newly-emerged  IoT signals  and  the   An INS derives motion states by using angular-rate and
            Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN, e.g., long-   linear specifc-force measurements from gyros and accel-
            range (LoRa), Narrow Band-IoT (NB-IoT), Sigfox, and   erometers, respectively. Te review paper (El-Sheimy and
            Long  Term  Evolution  for  Machines  (LTE-M)  have  the   Youssef 2020) summarizes the state of the art and future
            advantages such as long-range, low-cost, low-power-  trends of inertial sensor technologies. INS is tradition-
            consumption, and massive connections (Li et al. 2020a).   ally used in professional applications such as military,
            Figure 3 demonstrates the communication ranges of 5G   aerospace, and mobile surveying. Since the 2000s, low-
            and LPWAN signals, with a comparison with other wire-  cost MEMS-based inertial sensors were introduced into
            less technologies.                                the PLAN of land vehicles (El-Sheimy and Niu  2007a,
              5G and LPWAN systems provide a possibility for the   b). Since the release of the iPhone 4, MEMS-based iner-
            wide-area localization in indoor and urban areas. Simi-  tial sensors have become a standard feature on smart-
            lar  to  5G,  LPWAN  systems  no  longer  require  an  extra   phones and have brought in new applications such as
            communication module that costs $ 10 level in the cur-  gyro-based gaming and pedestrian indoor PLAN. Table 7
            rent PLAN systems. LPWAN signals are compatible with   compares a typical inertial sensor performance in mobile
            more and more smart home appliances. Tese nodes will   mapping and mobile phones. Diferent grades of iner-
            increase the deployment density of IoT networks and   tial sensors have various performances and costs. Tus,
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