Page 15 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 15

El‑Sheimy and Li  Satell Navig             (2021) 2:7                                  Page 5 of 23

            Table 4  Companies and products in indoor PLAN
            Primary sensor     Company        Performance              Sensor cost
            Camera             Mobileye       Decimeter‑level to centimeter‑level  $100 level to $10 level
            Camera (infrastructural)  VICON   Centimeter‑level and higher  $10,000 level to $1,000 level for a specifc area (e.g., a park‑
                                                                        ing lot)
            LiDAR              Velodyne       Decimeter‑level to centimeter‑level  $10,000 level to $1,000 level
            LiDAR (infrastructural)  SICK     Decimeter‑level to centimeter‑level  $10,000 level for a specifc area
            HD map             HERE           Centimeter‑level         Costly. A team of professional cars works for days to create
                                                                        a regional HD map
            Inertial sensors (vehicle)  Profound positioning 2% of travel distance  Low‑cost IMU at $ 100 to $ 10 level
            Inertial sensors (pedestrian) TDK‑InvenSense  4–8% of distance; 1% of distance   Low‑cost IMU at $ 100 to $ 10 level
                                               with a fxed device
            GNSS               Trimble        Decimeter‑level to centimeter‑level  $ 1,000 level
            UWB                Decawave       Decimeter‑level          $ 100 level for a set of anchors that are used to cover a
                                                                        place of 100  m  level
            Ultrasonic         Marvelmind     Decimeter‑level          $ 100 level for a set of anchors that are used to cover a
                                                                        place of 100  m  level
            WiFi/BLE           Cisco          50% within 5 m and 90% within 10 m Infrastructure deployment cost of $ 10 level per 100
                                                                          m ‑level area
            5G                 Huawei         No commercial PLAN system yet  $1000 to $ 100 level per base station. Coverage range from
                                                                        kilometer‑level to within 100 m

              In the past decade, HD maps have received extensive   Furthermore, to update the HD map in an area efectively
            attention. An important reason is that traditional maps   where changes have occurred, there are challenges in
            are designed for people, not machines. Terefore, the   transmitting, organizing, and processing massive crowd-
            accuracy of the traditional map cannot meet the require-  sourced data. For example, one hour of autonomous driv-
            ments of autonomous driving. Also, the traditional   ing may collect one terabyte of data (Seif and Hu 2016). It
            map does not contain enough real-time information for   takes 230 days to transfer one week’s autonomous driving
            autonomous driving, which requires not only informa-  data using WiFi (MachineDesign 2020). Tus, dedicated
            tion about the vehicle, but also information about exter-  onboard computing chips, high-efciency commu-
            nal facilities (Seif and Hu 2016). With these features, the   nication, and edge computing are needed. Terefore,
            HD map is not only a map but also a "sensor" for PLAN   crowdsourcing HD maps requires cooperation from car
            and environment perception. Table 5 compares the tradi-  manufacturers, map manufacturers, 5G manufacturers,
            tional map and HD map.                            and terminal manufacturers (Abuelsamid 2017).
              HD map is key to autonomous driving. It is generally
            accepted that HD maps require centimeter-level accuracy
            and ultra-high (centimeter-level or higher) resolution.   LiDAR
            Accordingly, creating HD maps is a challenge. Te crea-  LiDAR systems use laser light waves to measure distances
            tion and updating of the current HD maps are depend-  and generate point clouds (i.e., a set of 3D points). Te
            ent on  professional vehicles equipped with high-end   distance is computed by measuring the time of fight of
            LiDAR, cameras, RADARs, GNSS, and INS. For example,   a light pulse, while the direction of a transmitted laser is
            Baidu spent 5 days building an HD map in a Beijing park   tracked by gyros. By matching the measured point cloud
            by using million-dollar-level mapping vehicles (Synced   with that stored in a database, an object can be located.
            2018). Such a generation method is costly; also, it is dif-  LiDAR is an important PLAN sensor on unmanned
            fcult to update an HD map continuously.          vehicles and robots. Figure 2 compares the PLAN-related
              To  mitigate  the  updating issue, crowdsourcing based   performance of the camera, LiDAR, and RADAR.
            on car-mounted cameras has been researched. Tis    Te main advantages are its high accuracy and data
            method can lower the requirement of extra data collec-  density. For example, the Velodyne HDL-64E LiDAR has
            tion if the images from millions of cars are used properly.   a measurement range of over 120 m, with ranging accu-
            However, this task is extremely challenging. First, it is   racy of 1.5 cm (1 sigma) (Glennie and Lichti 2010). Te
            difcult to obtain the PLAN solutions that are accurate   observation can cover 360° horizontally, with up to 2.2
            enough for HD map updating with crowdsource data.   million points per second (Velodyne 2020). Such features
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