Page 16 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 16

El‑Sheimy and Li  Satell Navig             (2021) 2:7                                    Page 6 of 23

              Fig. 1  Part of PLAN sensors on an autonomous vehicle

            Table 5  Comparison of traditional map and HD map
            Time                Accuracy                  Generation method         Challenge
            Traditional map (since 2000)  Meter‑level to decimeter‑level (Tom‑  Satellite imagery, land‑based mobile   Not signifcant
                                 Tom 2020; Liu et al. 2020), road‑level  mapping, and onboard GNSS crowd‑
            HD maps (since 2010)  Centimeter‑level (Liu et al. 2020),   A team of professional cars equipped   High requirements on accuracy, reso‑
                                 where‑in‑lane level       with high‑end LiDAR, cameras, GNSS,   lution, and updating rate; high data
                                                           and INS (Synced 2018)     and computational loads
                                                          Crowdsourcing using car‑mounted
                                                           cameras (Abuelsamid 2017) (chal‑

              Fig. 2  Comparison of camera, LiDAR, and RADAR performance

            make LiDAR a strong candidate in providing high-defni-  rotation mechanism on the top of the carrier, which may
            tion surrounding environment information.         have a problem in its life span. Some manufacturers try to
              Te main challenges of using LiDAR are the high price   use solid-state LiDAR to alleviate these problems. Apple
            and large size. Also, the current LiDAR system has a
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