Page 17 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 17

El‑Sheimy and Li  Satell Navig             (2021) 2:7                                  Page 7 of 23

            unveils a new iPad Pro with a LiDAR scanner, which may   (Wolcott and Eustice 2014) and (McManus et al.  2013)
            bring new directions to indoor PLAN.              respectively use images from monocular and stereo cam-
              LiDAR measurements are used for PLAN through 2D   eras to match the 3D point cloud map generated by a sur-
            or 3D matching. For example, the research works (de   vey vehicle equipped with 3D LiDAR scanners.
            Paula  Veronese  et  al.  2016)  and  (Wolcott  and  Eustice
            2017) match LiDAR measurements with a 2D grid map   RADAR
            and a 3D point cloud map, respectively. Te PLAN per-  RADAR has also received intensive attention in the
            formance is generally better when the surrounding envi-  autonomous driving industry. Similar to LiDAR, the
            ronment features are signifcant and distinct from other   RADAR determines the distance by measuring the
            places; otherwise, performance is limited. Te LiDAR   round-trip time diference of the signal. Te diference
            measurement performance will not be afected by light   is that the RADAR emits radio waves, instead of laser
            but may be afected by weather conditions.        waves. Compared with LiDAR, the RADAR generally has
                                                              a further measurement range. For example, the Bosch
            Camera                                            LRR RADA can reach up to 250 m. Also, the price of a
            Cameras are used for PLAN and perception by collect-  RADAR system has dropped to the order of $ 1,000 to
            ing and analyzing images. Compared with LiDAR and   $ 100. Moreover, RADAR systems are lightweight, which
            RADAR, the camera has a much lower cost. Also, the   makes it possible to embed them in cars.
            camera has the advantages such as rich feature informa-  On the other hand, the density of RADAR measure-
            tion and color information. Also, the camera is a passive   ments is much lower than that of LiDARs and cameras.
            sensing technology, which does not transmit signals and   Terefore,  RADAR  is  often  used  for  obstacle  avoid-
            thus does not have errors on the signal-propagation side.   ance, rather than as the main sensor of PLAN. Similar
            Moreover, the current 2D computer vision algorithm is   to LiDAR, the measurement performance of RADAR
            more advanced, which has also promoted the application   is not afected by light but may be afected by weather
            of cameras.                                       conditions.
              Similar to LiDAR, the camera depends on the sig-
            nifcance of environmental features. Also, the camera is   WiFi/BLE
            more susceptible to weather and illumination conditions.   WiFi and BLE are the most widely used indoor wireless
            Its performance degrades under harsher conditions, such   PLAN technologies for consumer electronics. Te com-
            as in darkness, rain, fog, and snow. Tus, it is important   monly used observation is RSS (Zhuang et al. 2016), and
            to develop camera  sensors  with self-cleaning, longer   the typical positioning accuracy is at meter-level. Also,
            dynamic range, better low light sensitivity, and higher   researchers have extracted high-accuracy measurements,
            near-infrared sensitivity. Furthermore, the amount of raw   such as CSI (Halperin et  al.  2011), RTT (Ciurana et  al.
            camera data is large. Multiple cameras on an autonomous   2007), and AoA (Quuppa  2020). Such measurements
            vehicle can generate gigabyte-level raw data every minute   can be used for decimeter-level or even centimeter-level
            or even every second.                             PLAN.
              Some PLAN solutions use cameras, instead of a high-  A  major  advantage  of  WiFi  systems  is  that  they  can
            end LiDAR, to reduce hardware cost. An example is   use existing communication facilities. In contrast, BLE
            Tesla’s autopilot system (Tesla  2020). Tis system con-  is fexible and convenient to deploy. To meet the future
            tains many cameras, including three forward cameras   Internet-of-Tings (IoT) and precise localization require-
            (wide, main, and narrow), four side cameras (forward   ments, new features have been added to both the latest
            and rearward), and a rear camera. To assure the PLAN   WiFi and BLE technologies. Table 6 lists the new WiFi,
            performance in the environments that are challenging for   BLE, 5G, and LPWAN features that can enhance PLAN.
            cameras, RADARs and ultrasonic sensors are used.  WiFi HaLow (WiFi-Alliance  2020) and Bluetooth long
              Te two main camera-based PLAN approaches are   range (Bluetooth 5) (Bluetooth  2017) are released to
            visual odometry/SLAM and image matching. For the   improve the signal range, while WiFi RTT (IEEE 802.11
            former, the research work (Mur-Artal and Tardós 2017)   mc) (IEEE 2020) and Bluetooth direction fnding (Blue-
            can support visual SLAM using monocular, stereo, and   tooth 5.1) (Bluetooth 2019) have been released for preci-
            Red–Green–Blue-Depth (RGB-D) cameras. For image   sion positioning.
            matching, road markers, signs, poles, and artifcial fea-
            tures (e.g., Quick Response (QR) codes) can be used. Te   5G/LPWAN
            research work (Gruyer et al. 2016) uses two cameras to   5G has attracted intensive attention due to its high speed,
            take the ground road marker and match it with a preci-  high reliability, and low latency in communication. Com-
            sion road marker map. In contrast, the research works   pared with previous cellular technologies, 5G has defned
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