Page 180 - 《摩擦学学报》2021年第6期
P. 180

第 6 期                  王大刚, 等: 微动频率对钢丝拉扭复合微动腐蚀疲劳行为影响研究                                       965

                 versus torsion angle of steel wires were established to analyze the contact status between steel wires and dissipated
                 energies along axial and torsional directions during tension-torsion fretting corrosion fatigue. The scanning electron
                 microscope and three-dimensional white-light interferometer for surface topography were employed to investigate wear
                 scar morphologies and evolution characteristics of wear depth profile of steel wires during tension-torsion fretting
                 corrosion fatigue. The X-ray three-dimensional imaging system was employed to reveal tension-torsion fretting
                 corrosion fatigue crack propagation evolution laws of steel wires. The Tafel polarization curves and impedance spectra
                 of steel wires after tension-torsion fretting corrosion fatigue tests were analyzed by the electrochemical analyzer in order
                 to explore the electrochemical corrosion tendency and corrosion resistance of steel wires. Meanwhile, the influence laws
                 of fretting frequency on contact statuses between steel wires, dissipation energies of steel wire along axial and torsional
                 directions, fretting wear mechanisms of steel wire, fatigue crack propagation evolutions and fatigue lives of steel wires,
                 electrochemical corrosion tendency and corrosion resistance characteristics of steel wires were revealed. The results
                 showed that the contact status between steel wires varied from the mixed states of gross slip and partial slip to the gross
                 slip state during tension-torsion fretting corrosion fatigue with increasing fretting frequency. The hysteresis phenomenon
                 of torque versus torsion angle of steel wire weakened with increasing frequency. An increase of frequency causes overall
                 decreased in dissipation energies corresponding to hysteresis loops of tangential force versus displacement amplitude
                 and torque versus torsion angle of steel wire. The coefficient of friction between steel wires and the wear depth of steel
                 wire both decreased with increasing fretting frequency. Wear mechanisms of steel wires were abrasive wear, adhesive
                 wear, fatigue wear and corrosion wear in cases of all frequencies. An increase of fretting frequency causes decreased in
                 the maximum crack depth and crack propagation rate of steel wire and an increase in the fatigue life of steel wire. The
                 electrochemical corrosion tendency of steel wire decreased and the corrosion resistance of steel wire increased with
                 increasing fretting frequency.
                 Key words: steel wire; tension-torsion fretting corrosion fatigue; fretting frequency; fretting wear mechanism; fatigue
                 crack propagation; electrochemical corrosion

                我国53%已探明煤炭资源深埋于千米以下,多绳                         索钢丝摩擦磨损、疲劳和断裂机理的影响规律;Zhang
            摩擦式提升系统是千米深部矿井的关键提升装备,而                            等 和Llavori等 研究了微动疲劳过程中钢丝微动运
            提升钢丝绳承载安全性直接制约提升系统安全可靠                             行区域和摩擦磨损特性及其受到钢丝间交叉角的影
            性. 在千米深井提升过程中,高速、重载、加/减速特性                         响规律;Wang等 发现微动疲劳过程中钢丝磨痕面积
            和时变的悬垂钢丝绳长度导致提升钢丝绳横向、纵向                            和磨损深度增长率均随疲劳周次增加而降低;赵维建
            及其耦合振动,进而引起提升钢丝绳的动态拉伸、弯                            等 考察了碱性腐蚀环境中不同接触载荷下钢丝微
            曲和扭转载荷       [1-3] ;提升钢丝绳长期处于矿井淋水中,                动疲劳行为,认为钢丝微动疲劳寿命与磨损量呈反比
            我国南方深部矿井淋水主要为酸性矿井水(pH=3.0~5.5),                    例关系. 在拉伸和扭转耦合作用下钢丝微动行为研究
            故提升钢丝绳长期受到电解质腐蚀溶液作用. 因此,                           方面,Xu等 研究了预张力和扭转疲劳耦合作用下钢
            动态拉伸、弯曲和扭转载荷及电解质腐蚀溶液耦合作                            丝微动磨损行为,认为滑移幅值比接触载荷对钢丝摩
            用 导致提升钢丝绳内部钢丝的微动磨损、裂纹萌生                            擦磨损行为影响更大;Wang等 通过对比分析钢丝扭
            和扩展及电化学腐蚀,即拉扭复合微动腐蚀疲劳,引                            动微动、微动疲劳和拉扭复合微动疲劳行为,发现拉
            起提升钢丝绳横截面积损失和断丝,进而造成提升钢                            扭复合微动疲劳造成的钢丝接触面损伤最严重;
            丝绳报废甚至是井毁人亡恶性安全事故 . 然而,在深                          Wang等 探讨了电解质溶液介质对钢丝拉扭复合摩
            井提升过程中,提升钢丝绳振动频率(0~6 Hz                [6-8] )的变   擦疲劳行为的影响规律,认为酸性电解质溶液中钢丝
            化导致钢丝绳内部钢丝微动频率差异性,严重影响钢                            电化学腐蚀程度和裂纹扩展速率最大. 因此,前期研
            丝拉扭复合微动腐蚀疲劳机理和损伤程度,进而制约                            究主要集中于不同环境介质中钢丝微动疲劳行为以
            深井提升钢丝绳服役寿命. 因此,开展微动频率对钢                           及拉伸和扭转耦合作用下钢丝微动行为方面,而微动
            丝拉扭复合微动腐蚀疲劳行为的影响研究,对揭示振                            频率对钢丝拉扭复合微动腐蚀疲劳行为的影响研究
            动工况下提升钢丝绳失效机制和保障深井提升钢丝                             尚未见报道.

                                                               1    试验机和试验参数
            劳行为研究,Guo等 探讨了微动疲劳参数对桥梁缆                               钢丝拉扭复合微动腐蚀疲劳试验机(图1)包括拉
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