Page 47 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 47

Du et al. Satell Navig             (2021) 2:3                                           Page 14 of 22

            Authors’ contributions                            simulated on the GPS L1 measurements of one or two
            JW, CR and AE had the idea for the article. YD performed the literature search,   satellites during epochs 2000–3000, with random magni-
            conducted the experiments and corresponding analysis, and wrote the manu‑
            script. All authors provided critical feedback. All authors read and approved   tudes from 0.05 to 1.05 m (see Table 3). Te Positioning
            the fnal manuscript.                             Errors (PE) without FDE procedures are shown in Fig. 2.

            This work is supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Project No.   Figure  3 shows the fault detection tests, i.e. checking
            DP170103341.                                      if the absolute post-ft residuals are less than empirical
                                                              thresholds, for code and carrier-phase measurements
            Availability of data and materials
            Data used in this manuscript are available upon request.  with the PPP-Wizard software. Te positioning errors
                                                              (after convergence) with “Simple FDE” and “Advanced
            Competing interests                               FDE” are shown respectively in Fig. 4a and b.
            The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
            Author details
            1  School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of New South
            Wales, Sydney, Australia.   School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Curtin   For comparison purposes, an FDE procedure based
            University, Perth, Australia.                     on the Chi-square test was performed for the same
                                                              dataset. Te corresponding test statistics and position-
            Appendix                                          ing errors (after convergence) are shown in Figs. 5 and
            Example 1: Comparison of “Simple FDE”, “Advanced FDE”   6, respectively. Te excluded measurements by difer-
            and Chi‑square test based FDE                     ent FDE methods, compared with simulated faults, are
            Te dataset shown in this example is a one-hour static   shown in Table 3. As can be seen in Figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6 and
            dataset observed by IGS station STFU from 19:00 to   Table 3, all outliers except that on G09 for epoch 2870
            20:00 GPST (GPS Time) on January 1, 2020, with 1-s   are detected and identifed by diferent methods. For the
            sample interval. Te data was processed in kinematic   “Simple FDE” there are a few undetected faults and many
            foat-PPP mode with the uncombined model using the   wrong exclusions, introducing large jumps in the position
            modifed PPP-Wizard software. Multi-frequency obser-  solutions. On the other hand, the “Advanced FDE” and
            vations of GPS and Galileo constellation (with 16–17 sat-  Chi-square test can identify all large faults (above 0.9 m
            ellites available and over 70 observations in total at each   in this case) and provide better results. It can also be
            epoch) were adopted and GRG (Groupe de Recherche   seen from Fig. 5 that the Chi-square test adopts a vary-
            de Géodésie Spatiale of CNES) multi-GNSS fnal prod-  ing threshold to account for satellite geometry (number
            ucts were applied. Ten groups of outliers were randomly   of measurements) changes for a given P .
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