Page 46 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 46

Du et al. Satell Navig             (2021) 2:3                                         Page 13 of 22

            the failure modes with their assumed probabilities, is the   for PPP in urban environments are discussed. Moreo-
            focus of this paper. However, to examine the prior proba-  ver, some open issues, on which more R&D (research
            bilities of diferent types of faults requires comprehensive   and development) eforts should focus, regarding PPP
            studies, which are beyond the scope of this review paper.  vulnerabilities and integrity for ITS applications are
              PPP integrity at both system-level and user-level are   identifed.
            still rudimentary. More investigations should be made   Tis study will assist in designing a representative
            with respect to the following: (1) system-level (i.e. net-  threat model as needed for integrity monitoring of
            work-end) integrity information needs to be provided   the PPP solutions and in developing relevant integ-
            along with the correction products similar to those pro-  rity  monitoring  procedures  and  algorithms.  How-
            vided by SBAS; (2) careful assessment of the probabilities   ever, the probabilities of many of these threats are still
            of PPP threats, as mentioned earlier; (3) quality control   under investigation and require comprehensive studies
            and integrity monitoring schemes for PPP applications   which are outside the scope of this paper and will be
            in diferent environments, including open sky, suburban   addressed in future work.
            and urban areas; (4) improvement of integrity monitor-
            ing algorithms corresponding to diferent PPP models
            or  techniques,  e.g.  dual-frequency  IF  PPP  and  uncom-  Abbreviations
                                                              ITS: Intelligent transport system; GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System;
            bined PPP, and foat-PPP and fxed-PPP; (5) the integ-  GPS: Global Positioning System; SPS: Standard Positioning Service; C/A:
            rity of some certain aspects of PPP processing, such as   Coarse/acquisition; RTK: Real‑time kinematic; NRTK: Network RTK; SBAS: Satel‑
            multi-GNSS PPP,  multi- or  single-frequency  PPP; (6)   lite based augmentation system; PPP: Precise point positioning; AR: Ambiguity
                                                              resolution; INS: Inertial navigation system; IGS: International GNSS Service;
            efcient recursive integrity monitoring algorithms to   PCO: Phase centre ofset; PCV: Phase centre variation; NLOS: Non‑line‑of‑
            address historical faults, utilising predicted states or time   sight; UPD: Uncalibrated phase delay; FCB: Fractional‑cycle bias; IRC: Integer
            updates; (7) integrity for an integrated system of PPP and   recovery clock; DSC: Decoupled satellite clock; CORS: Continuously Operating
                                                              Reference Station; RA: Regional augmentation; FMEA: Failure modes and
            other techniques or data sources, e.g. INS, LiDAR (Light   efects analysis; FTA: Fault tree analysis; NSC: Non‑standard code; UI: Under‑
            Detection and Ranging) and maps; (8) integrity of other   investigation; RTX: Real Time eXtended; EOP: Earth orientation parameter; P LOI :
            critical states for ITS applications, such as velocity and   Probability of loss of integrity; NSC: Non‑standard code; MGEX: Multi‑GNSS
                                                              experiment; iGMAS: International GNSS Monitoring and Assessment Service;
            altitude/heading (Reid et al. 2019; Binjammaz et al. 2013).  IF: Ionosphere‑free; GRAPHIC: Group and phase ionospheric calibration; TEC:
                                                              Total electron content; ROTI: Rate of TEC Index; TECU: TEC unit; AC: Analysis
            Concluding remarks                                centres; RTS: Real‑time service; RMS: Root mean square; GLONASS: Global‑
                                                              naya Navigazionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema; DCB: Diferential code bias;
            ITS applications require high accuracy and high integ-  TGD: Time group delay; ISB: Inter‑system bias; IFB: Inter‑frequency bias; ICAO:
            rity positioning. PPP as a high precision positioning   International Civil Aviation Organization; RTCA : Radio Technical Commission
            technique attracts much attention for ITS applications   for Aeronautics; AL: Alert limit; HAL: Horizontal AL; VAL: Vertical AL; TTA : Time
                                                              to alert; IR: Integrity risk; PL: Protection level; HPL: Horizontal PL; VPL: Vertical
            due to its fexibility and low cost; however, it is sub-  PL; GBAS: Ground Based Augmentation System; SIS: Signal in space; URA : User
            ject to a variety of threats and faults. To improve posi-  rang accuracy; RAIM: Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring; FDE: Fault
            tioning reliability and provide integrity for PPP it is   detection and exclusion; ARAIM: Advanced RAIM; MHSS: Multiple Hypothesis
                                                              Solution Separation; ISO: International Organization for Standardization; PAS:
            vital to investigate and analyse all potential failures of   Publicly available specifcation; SOTIF: Safety of the intended function; ADAS:
            PPP and to study corresponding integrity monitoring   Advanced driver‑assistance system; RTCM‑SSR: Radio Technical Commission
            approaches.                                       for Maritime Services‑State Space Representation; CNES: Centre National
                                                              D’Etudes Spatiales; QZSS: Quasi‑Zenith Satellite System; P FA : Probability of false
              In this review paper an overview of vulnerabilities in   alert; LiDAR: Light detection and ranging; R&D: Research and Development;
            GNSS PPP that might impact its integrity in ITS appli-  GPST: GPS time; GRG : Groupe de Recherche de Géodésie Spatiale; PE: Position‑
            cations is given. Failure modes and efects analysis and   ing errors; OCT: Observation consistency test; LOM: Local overall model.
            fault tree analysis are investigated. Tey are classifed   Acknowledgements
            into diferent groups according to their sources. Te   The authors highly appreciate the support of Dr. Denis Laurichesse and CNES
            cause and characteristics, impacts, fault models and   for providing PPP‑Wizard software (version 1.4.2). We acknowledge the IGS,
                                                              CNES and CODE (Centre for Orbit Determination in Europe) for providing
            some probabilities of these threats  are summarised,   the high‑rate GNSS observations, satellite orbit and clock products, and DCB
            with discussion on some major threats. Tis paper also   products. We thank NovAtel Inc. for granting us permission to use their online
            presents a brief review of the research on integrity of   information. We would also like to thank Dr. Kan Wang at Curtin University,
                                                              Australia for her helpful remarks and the anonymous reviewers for their valu‑
            PPP, with a focus on ITS scenarios. Requirements, chal-  able comments and suggestions.
            lenges, and existing methods of integrity monitoring
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