Page 36 - 卫星导航2021年第1-2合期
P. 36

Du et al. Satell Navig             (2021) 2:3                                          Page 3 of 22

            However, neither empirical models nor efective methods   integrity of the resolved ambiguity parameters, and the
            exist to completely correct for these errors. To improve   probability of wrong ambiguity fxing must be taken into
            the positioning accuracy and integrity, it is necessary to   account in the integrity risk budget.
            carefully investigate all these error sources.
              Tere are two approaches for PPP processing, namely   Vulnerabilities and integrity fault analysis in PPP
            foat-ambiguity PPP (foat-PPP) and fxed-ambiguity PPP   To  improve  GNSS  positioning  performance,  especially
            (fxed-PPP) or PPP-AR. Both approaches can be imple-  with respect to integrity, it is necessary to have a good
            mented in real-time. Te major problem with the foat-  knowledge of all potential threats and faults, or the so-
            PPP technique is that it needs a longer time for the phase   called failure modes (Bhatti and Ochieng  2007). Te
            ambiguities to converge to their best estimates (for a   analysis of failure modes can help identify GNSS integ-
            flter-based solution) (Kouba and Héroux 2001). Moreo-  rity requirements and develop a threat model as well as
            ver, a re-initialisation process is needed once most of the   prevent and/or protect against possible failures (van
            satellite signals are lost. Such situations happen more fre-  Dyke et  al.  2003). Tere are many works published on
            quently in urban environments. Te positioning accuracy   the fault analysis of GNSS (Bhatti and Ochieng  2007;
            of the kinematic foat-PPP solution after convergence   van Dyke et al. 2003; Milner and Ochieng 2008; Ochieng
            can reach the decimetre- to centimetre-level (Bisnath   et al. 2003), but failure modes in the PPP technique are
            and Gao 2009; Choy et al. 2017), which is high enough   seldom discussed. In this paper the potential faults that
            for ITS applications, when sufcient satellites with good   need to be considered for PPP integrity (some of which
            data quality are observed. However, the convergence/  are common for both PPP and SPS techniques) are inves-
            reconvergence problem restricts the use of PPP for ITS   tigated with two representative fault analysis methods:
            applications.                                     (1) Failure Modes and Efects Analysis (FMEA), and (2)
              Te convergence period can be shortened by exploiting   Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). A detailed discussion on some
            the integer property of carrier-phase ambiguities through   of the major threats is also presented, focusing on their
            the application of AR techniques (Bisnath and Gao 2009;   impacts on PPP.
            Collins et al. 2010). To resolve the integer values of the
            phase ambiguities, additional network-level satellite   Integrity fault analysis
            products are required. Tere are several alternate for-  Failure Modes and Efects Analysis (FMEA)
            mulations, such as Uncalibrated Phase Delays (UPD) or   FMEA usually involves identifying all potential failure
            Fractional-Cycle Biases (FCB), Integer Recovery Clocks   modes with their causes and characteristics, impacts on
            (IRC), Decoupled Satellite Clocks (DSC) (Collins  2008;   users, probabilities of occurrence and/or corresponding
            Bertiger et al. 2010; Ge et al. 2008; Laurichesse and Mer-  mitigation methods (van Dyke et  al.  2003; Milner and
            cier 2007). PPP-AR can be further augmented with the   Ochieng  2008). Te potential failure modes of the PPP
            corrections derived from a regional RTK or Continu-  algorithm are summarised in Table  1. Tey are com-
            ously Operating Reference Station (CORS) network, a   piled from existing literature (Bhatti and Ochieng 2007;
            technique referred to as PPP-RTK or PPP-RA (PPP with   Imparato et al. 2018b; Kouba et al. 2017; Martins 2014;
            regional augmentation), where PPP provides rapid con-  Ochieng et al. 2003; Tomas et al. 2011; Witchayangkoon
            vergence to centimetre-level positioning accuracy (Geng   2000), and are categorised into fve groups: satellite and
            et  al.  2011; Li et  al.  2011; Teunissen et  al.  2010; Wüb-  signal, medium (atmosphere), products (corrections),
            bena et al. 2005). Te regional network is used not only   work environment, and user.  Te mathematical mod-
            to estimate the parameters such as the satellite clock   els for diferent types of failures, which were proposed
            corrections and satellite phase biases, but also to inter-  by Bhatti and Ochieng (2007), are listed in Table 2. Such
            polate ionospheric (and sometimes tropospheric) delays   models, although approximate, can help design and
            (Teunissen et  al.  2010; Wübbena et  al.  2005; Shi  et al.   evaluate integrity monitoring algorithms in a simulation
            2014).  Te  a  priori  knowledge  of  the  ionosphere  is  the   context (Bhatti and Ochieng  2007). Prior probabilities
            key to rapid convergence (Choy et al. 2017).      shown in Table 1, which are cited from the existing litera-
              It should be noted that the accuracy and integrity of   ture, are empirical assumptions or estimates, mainly sup-
            the PPP solutions are only evaluated after convergence.   ported by historical data, and they are subject to ongoing
            Tis is because during solution convergence the system   refnements.
            cannot provide the required level of performance, i.e.
            sub-metre accuracy and related integrity. Likewise, integ-  Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
            rity monitoring for PPP-AR is only performed after fx-  Te FTA is a risk analysis procedure that breaks
            ing the ambiguities. However, an extra procedure, known   down a failure event to lower-level events or factors
            as ambiguity validation, is needed for monitoring of the   to determine the probabilities of loss of integrity or
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