Page 105 - 《摩擦学学报》2021年第6期
P. 105
第 41 卷 第 6 期 摩 擦 学 学 报 Vol 41 No 6
2021 年 11 月 Tribology Nov, 2021
DOI: 10.16078/j.tribology.2020226
刘 明 , 刘星君, 高诚辉
(福州大学 机械工程及自动化学院, 福建 福州 350116)
摘 要: 采用100Cr6球形压头系统研究了法向载荷、划痕速度和划痕次数对聚碳酸酯划痕性能的影响. 结果表明:在
深度减小;法向载荷增加或划痕速度减小时,残余深度增加,弹性恢复率减小. 对于多程单向滑动磨损,随着划痕次
降低,一定次数后达到稳定;压入深度和残余深度达到稳定时的划痕次数随法向载荷的增加而减小. 第15次划痕
关键词: 微米划痕; 100Cr6球形压头; 聚碳酸酯; 法向载荷; 划痕速度; 划痕次数; 摩擦磨损
中图分类号: TB93 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004-0595(2021)06–0890–12
Microscratch Properties of Polycarbonate by Spherical Indenter
LIU Ming , LIU Xingjun, GAO Chenghui
(School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fujian Fuzhou 350116, China)
Abstract: The effects of normal load, scratch speed and the number of scratches on the scratch performance of
polycarbonate were studied by using 100Cr6 spherical indenter. The results showed that in the single scratch, the friction
coefficient and the sum of adhesion and viscoelastic friction coefficients increased nonlinearly; penetration depth and
ploughing friction coefficient increased linearly with the increase of normal load. In the 15th scratch, the friction
coefficient, penetration depth and ploughing friction coefficient increased linearly, the sum of adhesion and viscoelastic
friction coefficients decreased linearly with the increase of normal load. In the single scratch and the 15th scratch, the
friction coefficient, the sum of adhesion and viscoelastic friction coefficient increased first and then decreased with the
penetration depth, and ploughing friction coefficient decreased linearly as the scratch speed increases. In addition, with
the normal load increasing or scratch velocity decreasing, the residual depth increased and the elastic recovery rate
decreased. The Knoop hardness decreased with the increase of normal load, which indicated the indentation size effect in
polycarbonate. For multi-pass unidirectional sliding wear test, with the increase of the number of scratches, the scratch
width increased linearly, and the scratch hardness decreased linearly. Moreover, the friction coefficient, penetration
depth and residual depth increased with a power law dependence on the number of scratches. In the process of multiple
scratches, a hardening layer around the scratch groove formed, and the hardening layer after each scratch became more
compacted. As a result, the growth rates of friction coefficient, penetration depth and residual depth gradually decreased
and reached stable levels after a certain number of scratches. The numbers of stable scratches for penetration depth and
residual depths decreased with the increase of normal load. In the 15th scratch, under low normal loads and scratch
speeds, the strain rate decreased with the increase of normal load or the decrease of scratch speed, which led to the
Received 22 October 2020, revised 12 January 2021, accepted 18 January 2021, available online 28 November 2021.
*Corresponding author. E-mail:, Tel:+86-15606066237.
The project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51705082, 51875106) and Research Project of
Fuzhou University (Jinjiang) Science and Education Park Development Center (2019-JJFDKY-01).
国家自然科学基金项目(51705082, 51875106)和晋江市福大科教园区发展中心科研项目(2019-JJFDKY-01)资助.