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P. 369
张云鹏 等:邻中心迭代策略的单标注视频行人重识别 4033
10.77%,10.7%;在 MARS 数据集上,rank-1 分别提升了 3.93%,3.8%,mAP 上分别提升了 6.25%,6.1%;
• 而当 p=0.10 时,在 DukeMTMC-VideoReID 数据集上,rank-1 分别提升了 8.71%,8.5%,mAP 上分别提升
了 11.34%,11.2%;在 MARS 数据集上,rank-1 分别提升了 3.48%,3.2%,mAP 上分别提升了 6.72%,6.5%.
Table 4 Comparison of accuracy between NCI and other methods
表 4 NCI 与其他方法的结果的对比 (%)
Methods rank-1 rank-5 rank-20 mAP rank-1 rank-5 rank-20 mAP
Baseline [9] (one-shot) 39.60 56.84 66.95 33.27 36.16 50.20 61.86 15.45
OIM [13] 51.10 70.50 − 43.80 33.70 48.10 − 13.50
BUC [19] 74.80 86.80 − 66.70 55.10 68.30 − 29.40
DGM [11] 42.36 57.92 69.31 33.62 36.81 54.01 68.51 16.87
Stepwise [10] 56.26 76.37 79.20 46.76 41.21 55.55 66.76 19.65
EUG (p=0.10) 70.79 83.61 89.60 61.76 57.62 69.64 78.08 34.68
EUG (p=0.05) 72.79 84.18 91.45 63.23 62.67 74.94 82.57 42.45
PL [25] (p=0.10) 71.00 83.80 90.30 61.90 57.90 70.30 79.30 34.90
PL [25] (p=0.05) 72.90 84.30 91.40 63.30 62.80 75.20 83.80 42.60
NCI (p=0.10) 73.40 86.80 93.20 65.60 60.40 76.00 84.30 40.80
NCI (p=0.05) 74.40 88.50 93.40 66.40 64.60 78.10 84.40 45.80
NCI+Loss (p=0.10) 79.50 90.20 95.20 73.10 61.10 76.80 83.40 41.40
NCI+Loss (p=0.05) 80.30 91.60 95.30 74.00 66.60 80.20 87.80 48.70
Baseline (supervised) 83.62 94.59 97.58 78.34 80.75 92.07 96.11 67.39
综合以上分析,说明本文 NCI 和损失控制策略联合训练,相比于同类的方法有很大的提升,从而验证了本文
5 结束语
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