Page 77 - 《爆炸与冲击》2023年第2期
P. 77
第 43 卷 第 2 期 爆 炸 与 冲 击 Vol. 43, No. 2
2023 年 2 月 EXPLOSION AND SHOCK WAVES Feb., 2023
波形控制器对杀伤战斗部破片飞散特性影响研究 *
刘 伟,梁争峰,阮喜军,屈可朋
(西安近代化学研究所,陕西 西安 710065)
摘要: 为提升杀伤战斗部破片轴向飞散的集中度,提高战斗部的轴向杀伤威力,提出使用波形控制器控制破片的
飞散方向。基于爆轰波在波形控制器界面发生反射的规律以及 Shapiro 公式,设计了波形控制器的形状,使用 LS-DYNA
有限元软件和 ALE(arbitrary Lagrange-Euler)算法对破片的飞散过程进行数值计算,结合战斗部原理样机静爆试验,验
计算值与试验计算值误差在 6.53% 之内,与无波形控制器的杀伤战斗部原理样机相比,含波形控制器且材料为尼龙、
聚氨酯和 PTFE 的战斗部原理样机破片飞散角分别减小了 40.00%、 44.00% 和 46.67%。
关键词: 杀伤战斗部;波形控制器;Shapiro 公式;破片飞散特性;破片飞散速度;破片飞散角
中图分类号: O389 国标学科代码: 13035 文献标志码: A
A study on the influence of wave shape controller on fragment
scattering characteristics of fragmentation warhead
LIU Wei, LIANG Zhengfeng, RUAN Xijun, QU Kepeng
(Xi’an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi’an 710065, Shaanxi, China)
Abstract: In order to improve the uniformity of the fragments of the fragmentation warhead and enhance the axial lethality of
the warhead, it was proposed to use a wave shape controller to control the scattering direction of the fragments. The shape of
the wave shape controller was designed based on the law of detonation wave reflection at the wave shape controller interface
and the Shapiro formula. The LS-DYNA software and ALE(arbitrary Lagrange-Euler) algorithm were used to numerically
simulate the scattering process of fragments, and the static explosion test of the warhead prototype was carried out to verify the
rationality of using the wave shape controller to improve the scattering characteristic of fragments. The difference in the
fragment scattering processes with and without the wave shape controller were compared. The law of fragment scattering
velocity and scattering angle of the warhead was analyzed and summarized when there was no wave shape controller and when
the wave shape controller materials were nylon, polyurethane and PTFE(polytetrafluoroethylene), respectively. The results
show that the wave shape controller can reduce the difference in the scattering velocities of the fragments between the center
and both ends of the warhead, and evenly change the direction angles of the fragments scattering from the center to both ends,
so that the fragments are distributed more uniformly along the axial direction. The wave shape controllers made of different
materials have different effects on the scattering characteristics of the fragments, while the use of the wave shape controller
* 收稿日期: 2022-05-11;修回日期: 2022-07-21
基金项目: 国防重大基础研究专项(05020501)
第一作者: 刘 伟(1992- ),男,硕士研究生,
通信作者: 梁争峰(1972- ),男,博士,研究员,