Page 128 - 《摩擦学学报》2021年第6期
P. 128
第 41 卷 第 6 期 摩 擦 学 学 报 Vol 41 No 6
2021 年 11 月 Tribology Nov, 2021
DOI: 10.16078/j.tribology.2020267
CoCrFeMoNiC 中熵合金的组织及
马文林 , 王府伯 , 张爱军 , 孟军虎 , 苏 博 , 韩杰胜 2,3
(1. 兰州交通大学 机电工程学院, 甘肃 兰州 730070;
2. 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所 中国科学院材料磨损与防护重点实验室, 甘肃 兰州 730000;
3. 河南科技大学 高端轴承摩擦学技术与应用国家地方联合工程实验室, 河南 洛阳 471023)
摘 要: 采用真空感应熔炼技术制备了CoCrFeMoNiC x (x=0、1、2、3、4和5)系列中熵合金,研究了C元素的掺杂及其
含量对合金微观组织、力学性能和摩擦学性能的影响. 结果表明:CoCrFeMoNiC x 系列中熵合金主要由体心立方
强度和断裂韧性等力学性能显著提高,主要归因于C原子的间隙固溶强化效应和少量条状碳化物的出现. 与此同
时,合金的磨损率持续降低,表现出良好的耐磨损性能. 室温下的磨损机制为磨粒磨损、塑性变形和疲劳磨损.
关键词: 中熵合金; CoCrFeMoNiC x ; 微观组织; 力学性能; 耐磨性
中图分类号: TG115.5 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004-0595(2021)06–0913–11
Microstructure, Mechanical and Tribological Properties of
CoCrFeMoNiC Medium-Entropy Alloys
MA Wenlin , WANG Fubo , ZHANG Aijun , MENG Junhu , SU Bo , HAN Jiesheng 2,3
(1. School of mechanical engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Gansu Lanzhou 730070, China
2. Key laboratory of science and technology on Wear and Protection of Materials, Lanzhou Institute of
Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Gansu Lanzhou 730000, China
3. National United Engineering Laboratory for Advanced Bearing Tribology, Henan University of Science and
Technology, Henan Luoyang 471023, China)
Abstract: High-entropy alloys (HEA) and medium-entropy alloys (MEA) have become one of the research focus in the
field of materials science over the past decades. HEAs and MEAs usually consist of multi-principal metal elements with
equal or near equal atomic ratio, and they have simple phase structures such as face centered cubic (FCC), body centered
cubic (BCC) and hexagonal close packed (HCP) solid solutions. Compared with the HEAs and the conventional alloys,
the MEAs exhibited superior properties such as high strength and toughness, excellent corrosion and oxidation
resistance, high thermal stability, which make them have good application prospects in the industrial field. However,
most of the MEAs usually contain a lot of expensive elements such as Co, Cr, Ni and Mo, which result in high cost and
limit their application.
Received 4 December 2020, revised 8 February 2021, accepted 9 February 2021, available online 28 September 2021.
*Corresponding author. E-mail:, Tel: +86-13679478909;, Tel:+86-931-4968196 .
The project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51765029), the Natural Science Foundation of
Gansu Province (20JR5RA561), National United Engineering Laboratory for Advanced Bearing Tribology, Henan University of
Science and Technology (201907) and and the Innovation 2025 Major Special Program of Ningbo (2019B10085).
程实验室开放基金项目(201907)和宁波市科技创新2025重大专项(2019B10085)资助 .