Page 5 - 《软件学报》2021年第12期
P. 5

软件学报 ISSN 1000-9825, CODEN RUXUEW                                        E-mail:
         Journal of Software,2021,32(12):3669−3683 [doi: 10.13328/j.cnki.jos.006164]
         ©中国科学院软件研究所版权所有.                                                          Tel: +86-10-62562563


         刘禹锋,   杨   帆

         (南京财经大学  信息工程学院,江苏  南京  210046)
         通讯作者:  刘禹锋, E-mail:

         摘   要:  作为一种二维的形式化方法,图文法为可视化语言提供了直观而规范的描述手段.然而,大多数图文法形
         种新型空间图文法形式框架 vCGG(virtual-node based coordinate graph grammar).区别于其他空间图文法,vCGG 在
         了其空间语义配置性能.通过与几种典型空间图文法框架比较,vCGG 形式框架在直观性、规范性、表达能力以及
         关键词:  可视化语言;图文法;产生式;空间语义;虚结点
         中图法分类号: TP301

         中文引用格式:  刘禹锋,杨帆.vCGG:一种基于虚结点的空间图文法形式框架.软件学报,2021,32(12):3669−3683.  http://www.
         英文引用格式: Liu YF, Yang F. vCGG: Virtual-node based spatial graph grammar formalism. Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of
         Software, 2021,32(12):3669−3683 (in Chinese).
         vCGG: Virtual-node Based Spatial Graph Grammar Formalism

         LIU Yu-Feng,  YANG Fan
         (College of Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing 210046, China)

         Abstract:    As a two-dimensional formal method, Graph grammar provides an intuitive and formal way to specify visual programming
         languages. However, most existing graph grammar formalisms have some deficiencies in the ability of dealing with spatial semantics,
         which influences the expressive power and practical application scope of graph grammar. For solving the problems, this study defines
         visual node to build a new spatial graph grammar formalism vCGG (virtual-node based coordinate graph grammar). Different from other
         spatial graph grammars, vCGG takes the virtual nodes to specify the relationships of syntax structure and spatial semantic between host
         graphs and productions, which reserves the power of the abstraction and improves the specification of spatial semantics. Compared with
         other spatial graph grammars, the formalism of vCGG has good performance in the intuitiveness, normalization, expressive power, and
         analysis efficiency.
         Key words:    visual programming languages; graph grammar; production; spatial semantic; virtual node

         例如数据库系统概念设计阶段的 E-R(entity-relationship)图、面向对象系统中的 UML(unified modeling
         language)图以及描述离散并行系统的 Petri 网.可视化语言研究的重点之一是如何使用有效而又规范的方式去

            ∗  基金项目:  国家自然科学基金(62002155)
              Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China (62002155)
              收稿时间: 2020-06-05;  修改时间: 2020-08-02, 2020-09-17;  采用时间: 2020-10-20
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