Page 34 - 《软件学报》2021年第12期
P. 34

软件学报 ISSN 1000-9825, CODEN RUXUEW                                        E-mail:
         Journal of Software,2021,32(12):3698−3709 [doi: 10.13328/j.cnki.jos.006127]
         ©中国科学院软件研究所版权所有.                                                          Tel: +86-10-62562563


         蒋   竞,   吴秋迪,   张   莉

         (北京航空航天大学  计算机学院,北京  100191)
         通讯作者:  张莉, E-mail:

         摘   要:  在开源社区中,不同开发人员提交的代码水平参差不齐,需要代码评审检查提交代码质量.决策者是代码
         人员分布指标主要考虑改动者、评论者和决策者的比例和数量.然后,收集了 3 个热门开源项目数据,分析评审过程
         关键词:  开源社区;代码评审;度量体系;决策者;软件缺陷
         中图法分类号: TP311

         中文引用格式:  蒋竞,吴秋迪,张莉.开源社区评审过程度量体系及其实证研究.软件学报,2021,32(12):3698−3709.  http://www.
         英文引用格式: Jiang  J, Wu  QD, Zhang L. Open  source community review  process  measurement  system and its empirical
         research. Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software, 2021,32(12):3698−3709 (in Chinese).

         Open Source Community Review Process Measurement System and Its Empirical Research
         JIANG Jing,  WU Qiu-Di,  ZHANG Li

         (School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China)
         Abstract:    In the open source  community, the  code level of different developers varies,  and code reviews  are  required  to  check  the
         quality of the submitted code. Decision makers are the key persons in the code review, auditing the submitted code and finding software
         defects. Code reviews affect the quality of open source software. Therefore, it is necessary to establish code review process measurement
         system,  understand the  code  review situation,  and promote the quality of open source software projects.  Existing software  process
         measurement methods mainly consider code submission and review comments, but lack of consideration for decision making activities,
         and it is difficult to fully  measure the review behavior.  This study  considers decision-maker factor,  and proposes  an open source
         community’s review process measurement system, including evaluation activity indicators and personnel distribution indicators. Review
         activity indicators  include numbers of review, length of review  information, number of lines that  code  changes,  and review time. The
         personnel distribution indicators mainly consider the proportion and number of modifiers, commenters, and decision makers. Then, this
         study  collects data from  three popular open source projects  and  analyzes the relationship  between  evaluation process  metrics  and the
         number of software defects. Through empirical research and analysis, it is found that the number of decision-makers, the proportion of

            ∗  基金项目:  科技创新 2030——“新一代人工智能”重大项目(2018AAA0102304);  国家自然科学基金(61672078);  中央高校基本
              Foundation item: National Key Research and  Development  Program of China  (2018AAA0102304); National Natural  Science
         Foundation of China (61672078); Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (YWF-20-BJ-J-1018)
              收稿时间: 2020-02-27;  修改时间: 2020-07-11;  采用时间: 2020-08-07
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