Page 301 - 《软件学报》2021年第7期
P. 301

软件学报 ISSN 1000-9825, CODEN RUXUEW                                       E-mail:
                 Journal of Software,2021,32(7):22192241 [doi: 10.13328/j.cnki.jos.006261]
                 ©中国科学院软件研究所版权所有.                                                         Tel: +86-10-62562563


                 张   献,   贲可荣,   曾   杰

                 (海军工程大学  电子工程学院,湖北  武汉  430033)
                 通讯作者:  张献, E-mail:

                 摘   要:  软件缺陷预测是软件质量保障领域的一个活跃话题,它可以帮助开发人员发现潜在的缺陷并更好地利用
                 测.在该问题上,设计了 4 种度量元,并在两类安全缺陷数据集上验证了度量元和 CNDePor 方法的有效性.实验结果
                 表明,CE 类度量元具有可学习性,它们蕴涵了语言模型从语料库中学习到的相关知识;改进的 CE 类度量元的判别力
                 明显优于原始度量元和传统规模度量元;CNDePor 方法较传统缺陷预测方法和已有的基于代码自然性的方法有显
                 关键词:  软件质量保障;缺陷预测;代码自然性;切片粒度;语言模型;交叉熵;深度学习
                 中图法分类号: TP311

                 中文引用格式:  张献,贲可荣,曾杰.基于代码自然性的切片粒度缺陷预测方法.软件学报,2021,32(7):2219–2241. http://www.
                 英文引用格式: Zhang X, Ben KR, Zeng J. Code naturalness based defect prediction method at slice level. Ruan Jian Xue Bao/
                 Journal of Software, 2021,32(7):22192241 (in Chinese).

                 Code Naturalness Based Defect Prediction Method at Slice Level
                 ZHANG Xian,   BEN Ke-Rong,  ZENG Jie
                 (College of Electronic Engineering, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430033, China)

                 Abstract:    Software defect prediction is an active research topic in the domain of software quality assurance. It can help developers find
                 potential defects and make better use of resources. How to design more discriminative metrics for the prediction system, taking into account
                 performance and interpretability, has always been a research direction that people devote to. Aiming at this challenge, a code naturalness
                 feature based  defect predictor method (CNDePor)  is proposed. This method improves the language  model by taking advantage of the
                 bidirectional code-sequence  measurement and weighting  the samples  by using the quality information,  so as to increase the defect
                 discrimination of the cross-entropy (CE) type metrics obtained from the model. Aiming at the shortcomings of coarse-grained defect prediction
                 (e.g. difficulties in focusing on defect areas and high cost of code reviews), a new fine-grained defect prediction problem, statement-oriented
                 slice level defect prediction, is studied. Four metrics are designed for this problem, and the effectiveness of these metrics and CNDePor are
                 verified on two types of security defect datasets. The experimental results show that: CE-type metrics are learnable, which contain the relevant
                 knowledge  learned  from the corpus by language model; the improved CE metrics are significantly  better than  the  original metrics and
                 traditional  size metrics; the CNDePor method has significant advantages  over the traditional  defect  prediction methods and an existing
                 method based on code naturalness, and is of comparable performance and stronger interpretability than a state-of-the-art mothed based on deep

                     基金项目:  国家安全重大基础研究计划(613315)
                     Foundation item: National Security Program on Key Basic Research Project of China (613315)
                    收稿时间: 2020-09-13;  修改时间: 2020-10-26;  采用时间: 2020-12-14; jos 在线出版时间: 2021-01-22
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