Page 122 - 《软件学报》2021年第7期
P. 122

2040                                     Journal of Software  软件学报 Vol.32, No.7,  July 2021

                 3 (School of Informatics, National Demonstrative Software School (Xiamen University), Xiamen 361005, China)
                 4 (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Hongkong University of Science and Technology, Hongkong, China)
                 5 (Department of Computer Science (ETH Zurich), Zürich, Switzerland)
                 Abstract:    With the development of techniques, the uncertainty in software systems is continuously increasing. Data race is a typical bug
                 in current programs, which is a classic type of uncertainty programs. Despite significant progress in recent years, the important problem of
                 practical static race detection remains open. Previous static techniques either suffer from a high false positive rate due to the compromise
                 of precision, or scalability issues  caused  by a  highly precise analysis. This  paper  presents GUARD,  a staged approach to resolve this
                 paradox. First, it  performs  a lightweight  context-sensitive data  access  analysis, based on the value flow of  a program, to identify the
                 candidate data race subpaths instead of the whole program paths. Second, may-happen-in-parallel (MHP) analysis is employedto identify
                 whether two data accesses in a program may execute concurrently. This stage is scalable, due to the design of the thread flow graph (TFG),
                 which encodes thread information to query MHP relationship of the subpaths. Finally, for each subpath whose two data accesses are MHP,
                 the heavyweight path-sensitive analysis is appliedto verify the feasibility of the data races. The evaluation demonstrates that GUARD can
                 finish checking industrial-sized projects, up to 1.3MLoC, in 1 870s with an average false positive rate of 16.0%. Moreover, GUARD is faster
                 than the state-of-the-art techniques with the average speedup 6.08X and significantly fewer false positives. Besides, GUARD has found 12
                 new race bugs in real-world programs. All of them are reportedtothe developers and 8 of them have been confirmed.
                 Key words:    data race; MHP analysis; static analysis
                 1    引   言

                 访问操作同时进行 .数据竞争带来的影响从轻微的内存数据损坏到许多并发相关的缺陷,包括原子性及顺序
                 违反.例如,在 2018 年共公开了 52 个数据竞争相关的 CVE .数据竞争需要经过复杂的线程切换才能显露,因此
                 重要.尽管已经取得了巨大的研究进展             [38] ,但工业级的静态数据竞争检测技术仍远远不能令人满意.
                    数据竞争可以通过静态和动态方式来检测.动态分析                   [3,912] 能够检测出程序中实际存在的漏洞,但难以推断
                 线程间存在的所有可能的交织情况.静态工具                [4,5,8,13] 通常能够达到很高的代码覆盖,但现有的前沿静态数据竞
                 争检测技术在精度和可扩展性之间陷入了两难.一类方法                    [5,6,8,1315] 通过放弃上下文或路径敏感达到了很高的可
                 LDruid 进行了评估,它的误报率在 70%以上.另一类方法              [4,5] 追求高精度,但不可避免地存在可扩展性方面的问
                 题.如 LOCKSMITH 为程序生成部分约束并求解,这限制了它的可扩展性.本文的实验结果表明,它无法在 1 小
                 时内完成对 1 万行以上规模项目的分析.
                 条局部路径,所以不会产生漏报.相比之下,传统的竞争检测方法                     [46,8] 会分析整个程序路径(即从程序入口点开
                 昂 [16] .因此,现有的静态数据竞争检测技术都不能同时实现流、上下文和路径敏感分析.为了解决重量级分析(即
                 路径敏感分析)所带来的分析开销问题,我们设计了一种分段分析的方法.首先进行值流分析                               [17,18] 识别出候选的
                 数据竞争子路径,接着进行可能并行执行(may-happen-in-parallel,简称 MHP)分析筛除不可行的竞争子路径.最
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