Page 90 - 《软件学报》2021年第6期
P. 90

1664                                     Journal of Software  软件学报 Vol.32, No.6,  June 2021

         real-time system. A model-based architecture level schedulability evaluate and verification method, which is designed for priority based
         PSRT system, is proposed in this study, in order to do cache resource constrained, and CPRD related schedulability evaluation based on
         AADL system  architecture  model. In the  first step, the study  enhances the property set  of AADL storage  elements, so that to be
         compatible with cache memory properties in system architecture model constructing. Secondly, the study proposes a set or algorithms to:
         estimate the  CPRDs of  a task before  it is  completed; do system schedule simulation  and construct  the schedule sequence  with the
         constraint of Cache resource and CPRDs involved; and WCET estimation of the tasks in such a CPRD considered, preemptive-scheduling
         execution sequence.  Finally, methods mentioned above are  implemented within a  prototype  software  toolkit, which  is  designed  to do
         system level schedulability evaluation and verification with CPRD constraints considered. The toolkit is tested with a use case of aircraft
         airborne open-architecture intelligent information system. The result shows that, compared with schedule sequence constructed without
         cache memory resource constraints, the WCET estimated for most tasks are extended, and sequence order is changed. In some extreme
         cases,  when CPRD is taken into  consideration, some tasks  are  evaluated to be incompletable.  The test shows that the  method  and
         algorithms proposed in this study are feasible.
         Key words:    AADL; complex embedded system; cache related preemption delay; resource constraint schedulability

             传统嵌入式系统可调度性判定是基于系统中每个任务的最坏执行时间(worst case execution time,简称
         WCET)以及特定的调度算法,判断系统中各个任务的最坏响应时间能否满足截止期约束.WCET 可以表示为任
         务在处理器上执行时间的上界 ,因此,在系统模型设计阶段进行实时性分析需估算任务的 WCET.然而,最坏的
         执行时间又往往依赖于系统计算平台的多种资源约束,目前,在程序 WCET 估算的静态计算和动态计算中大多
         只考虑处理器一种资源 .静态计算主要是通过获取到任务的控制流图,分析程序在执行过程中可能的最大路
         径,然后得出任务的 WCET .动态计算则是通过多次运行程序,在每次运行过程中测试程序的执行时间,选取这
         些测试结果中最大的执行时间作为该任务的 WCET.但是该过程是面向软件程序代码来计算 WCET,并不能在
         (architecture analysis and design language,简称 AADL) [3,4] 来解决复杂系统非功能属性设计与分析困难的问题.
         AADL 支持文本化和图形化的软件架构设计,采用自顶向下的系统工程思想,可以大大缩短开发周期并节约成
         本.AADL 模型的可调度性验证是 AADL 非功能属性设计与验证的一个重要研究方向.AADL 模型可调度性验
         证一般情况下是基于给定的某种调度算法,比如单调速率调度算法(rate monotonic schedule,简称 RMS)、最早截
         止期优先调度算法(earliest deadline frist,简称 EDF)、固定优先级调度算法(fixed priority scheduling,简称 FPS)
         先级的高低,动态进行调度.EDF 调度算法就是典型的优先级动态变化的调度策略,离截止期越近的任务优先级
         越高.基于 EDF 调度策略,处理器利用率的可调度性计算方法也被提出来,即:只要任务集中的所有任务处理器
         利用率之和小于 1,那么任务集在 EDF 调度策略下就是可调度的任务集 .
             基于时间自动机模型的 AADL 模型可调度性分析逐渐成为一个研究复杂系统实时性保障的一种方法,它
         义.一些国内外研究机构进行了卓有成效的尝试,例如:宾夕法尼亚大学开发的可调度性分析工具 VERSA
         (verification execution and rewrite system for ACSR)将 AADL 模型自动转化为 ACSR 模型,并在 VERSA 工具中
         建立线程的时间自动机模型,将处理器与访问连接建模为资源,数据、事件端口建模为通信通道 ;伊利诺大学
         香槟分校开发的一种支持对实时系统进行形式化描述、仿真和分析的语言和工具 Real-Time Maude                            [7,8] ,其首先
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