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1808                                     Journal of Software  软件学报 Vol.32, No.6,  June 2021

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         附录 1.  信号灯控制电路系统 Verilog 代码

             顶层模块                                           output [5:0] count;
             `include “counter.v”                           input clk, rst;
             `include “signal_light.v”                      reg [5:0] count;
             module                                         always@(posedgeclk or negedgerst)
         signal_light_top(count,clk,rst,light1,light2);       begin
             input clk, rst;                                    if (!rst)
             output [2:0] light1, light2;                       count<=′d0;
             output [5:0] count;                                else if (count<′d60)
             wire [5:0] count;                                  count<=count+1;
             counter u2(clk,rst,count);                         else
             signal_light u1(clk,rst,count,light1,light2);      count<=′d1;
             endmodule                                        end
             计数器模块                                          endmodule
             module counter(clk,rst,count);
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