Page 56 - 《软件学报》2021年第5期
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1280                                     Journal of Software  软件学报 Vol.32, No.5,  May 2021

                                     Table 1-1    Quality assessment of white literature (Continued)
                                                表 1-1   白色文献质量评估(续)
                                                     评估项                      取值(Y/P/N)
                                             检索的数据质量是否有保证?                       −
                                               数据分析是否足够严格?                       −
                                             结论是否准确回答了研究问题?                      −
                                            对于研究结果是否有明确的表述?                      −
                                    是否对有效性的威胁进行了讨论并提供对这些威胁的处理?                   −
                                          Table 1-2    Quality assessment of grey literature
                                                  表 1-2   灰色文献质量评估
                                                     评估项                     取值(Y/P/N)
                                            是否对研究的背景有适当的描述?                     −
                                                研究方法是否被说明?                      −
                                       文章的逻辑是否清晰以及文章结构是否有条理?                    −
                                                文章的结论是否清晰?                      −
                                      文章中是否能提取出帮助我们回答研究问题的数据?                   −
                                    文章是否包含有关书目足够的信息?(作者、发表日期等)?                 −
                                               是否被其他文献引用过?                      −
                                       这篇文章在网上的论坛或讨论页面是否有评论?                    −
                                     如果在网上讨论,这些评论对原始文章的发现有贡献吗?                  −
                                             作者是否属于学术/研究机构?                     −

                 附录 2:被选取文献的编号和基本信息

                                     Table 2-1    Code and basic information of selected literature
                                             表 2-1   被选取文献的编号和基本信息
                      文献编号                    题目                               作者               年份
                                     Organization & Cultural Impact of
                        S1                                                   Sunil Joshi        2017
                                       Microservices Architecture
                                 On the Negative Impact of Team Independence   Valentina Lenarduzzi
                        S2                                                                      2018
                                   in Microservices Software Development   and Outi Sievi-Korte
                                  Enabling Autonomous Teams in Large-scale   Jan Henrik Gundelsby, Knowit,
                        S3                                                                      2018
                                   Agile Through Architectural Principles   Lakkegata, Oslo and Norway
                                  Do the Microservices Improve the Agility of   Branislav Mišić, Milana Novković,
                        S4                                                                      2017
                                      Software Development Teams?    Robert Ramač and Vladimir Mandić
                                 Microservices Architecture Enables DevOps:   Armin Balalaie, Abbas Heydarnoori
                        S5                                                                      2016
                                   Migration to a Cloud-native Architecture   and Pooyan Jamshidi
                                    Architecting Microservices: Practical   Saša Baškaradaa, Vivian Nguyenb
                        S6                                                                      2018
                                      Opportunities and Challenges        and Andy Koroniosa
                                      Microservices: Architecting for
                        S7                                                  Lianping Chen       2018
                                     Continuous Delivery and DevOps
                                      Challenges When Moving from      Miika Kalske, Niko M¨akitalo
                        S8                                                                      2017
                                    Monolith to Microservice Architecture   and Tommi Mikkonen
                                   Towards Integrating Microservices with   Justus Bogner and
                        S9                                                                      2016
                                     Adaptable Enterprise Architecture    Alfred Zimmermann
                               Challenges and Recommended Practices for Software  Outi Sievi-Kortea, Sarah Beecham
                        S10                                                                     2019
                                 Architecting in Global Software Development   and Ita Richardson
                                     Migrating towards Microservices:   Andrés Carrasco, Brent van Bladel
                        S11                                                                     2018
                                     Migration and Architecture Smells    and Serge Demeyer
                                Drivers and Barriers for Microservice Adoption—   Holger Knoche and
                        S12                                                                     2019
                                  A Survey among Professionals in Germany   Wilhelm Hasselbring
                                     Microservice : The Journey So Far   Pooyan Jamshidi, Claus Pahl,
                        S13                                                                     2018
                                         and Challenges Ahead        Nabor C. Mendonca and James Lewis
                                                                      Georg Buchgeher, Mario Winterer,
                              Microservices in a Small Development Organization—
                        S14                                          Rainer Weinreich, Johannes Luger,   2017
                                     An Industrial Experience Report.
                                                                   Roland Wingelhofer and Mario Aistleitner
                                 Exploring the Impact of Situational Context—
                        S15     A Case Study of A Software Development Process   Rory V. O’Connor, Peter Elger   2016
                                                                          and Paul M. Clarke
                                     for a Microservices Architecture
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