Page 285 - 《软件学报》2020年第12期
P. 285

巩林明  等:数轴上保密关系测定协议                                                               3951

         problem, however, there  are  many other secure  multi-computation problems needed to be investigated.  This study  involves private
         relationship test on number axis, which covers three subproblems: (1) secure test on the relationship between a confidential number and a
         private  interval; (2)  multi-dimensional secure test on  the relationship between  multi-number  and  multi-interval; (3)  secure test on the
         relationship between two confidential intervals. Private relationship test on number axis has an extensive application in the field of privacy
         protection, and it can be employed as a basic block to construct other SMC protocols. Based on a variant encryption scheme of Paillier’s
         homomorphic encryption (in which, who encrypts message who evaluates the base), three protocols for private relationship test on number
         axis are designed. They are secure test on the relationship between a confidential number and a private interval, multi- dimension secure
         test on the relationship between multi-number and multi-interval, and secure test on the relationship between two confidential intervals.
         And their security is analyzed using simulation framework (idea/real) in the standard model. The idea of private ratio calculation in these
         three protocols  can be directly used to  solve  the  millionaire problem  within the range of rational numbers.  More  widely, these  three
         protocols can be employed as a basic block to solve the following SMC problems: private test on relationship between a point and an
         annulus, private test on relationship between a point and a convex polygon, and private proximity test.
         Key words:    private relationship test; privacy protection; multiparty secure computation; distributed and collaborative computation

             安全多方计算(secure multiparty  computation,简称 SMC)首先由 Yao 以百万富翁问题的形式提出,是分布
         护技术,是空间网络安全领域的研究热点之一,对于大数据用户隐私保护                         [2−4] 、物联网用户隐私保护 、社交网
         络用户隐私保护      [6,7] 、数据挖掘用户隐私保护 等具有重要意义.
             自 SMC 提出后的 30 年间,很多学者从其可行性、计算模型与方法论、安全证明模型及理论、公平性以及
             (1)  点与区间关系的保密测定问题具体可以描述为:两个互不信任的参与者(其中一个拥有一个有理数 a,
                 另外一个拥有一个数据区间[b L ,b R ],其中,b L ,b R 皆为有理数)想通过协同计算完成保密关系的测定 a∈
                 [b L ,b R ]而不泄露双方的隐私.解决该问题的协议需要实现:两个互不信任的参与者协同完成保密关系
             (2)  多维点与区间保密关系测定问题实质是点与区间保密关系测定问题的拓展,多维点与区间保密关系
                 测定问题具体描述为:不失一般性,假定 Alice 和 Bob 是两个参与者,他们分别拥有保密向量 A=([a 11 ,
                 a 12 ],[a 21 ,a 22 ],…,[a n1 ,a n2 ])和 B=(b 1 ,b 2 ,…,b n ),其中,a i1 和 a i2 分别表示第 i 个区间[a i1 ,a i2 ]的上、下界,a i1 <
                 a i2 ,i=1,2,…,n,并且 a i1 ,a i2 ,b i 皆为有理数.Alice 与 Bob 想协同完成向量 B 与向量 A 关系的保密测定,具
                 体而言,Alice 与 Bob 想协同完成保密测定:对于任意的 i=1,2,…,n 而言,a i1 <b i <a i2 是否都成立;
             (3)  两个区间关系的保密测定问题实质也是点与区间保密关系测定问题的拓展,两个区间关系的保密测
         文第 2.2 节和第 3.2 节).
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