Page 272 - 《软件学报》2020年第12期
P. 272
3938 Journal of Software 软件学报 Vol.31, No.12, December 2020
usually excessively exploited, and the large number of redundant replicas will not only consume large amount of nodal resource but also
greatly increase the overload of networks. For video transmission, this issue becomes more severe for its volume and continuity. Thus, this
study proposes a novel routing scheme for video data transmission in MONs, based on multi-player cooperative game, which can
maximize the quality of reconstructed video data while minimizing the overhead of nodal and network resources. Specifically, the
marginal gain model is first constructed for video delivery quality, and then the video data transmission is modeled among multiple
encounters as a multi-player cooperative game. Under the guidance of Nash equilibrium theory, the video data carried by these
encountering nodes is adaptively and optimally re-assigned among them. Extensive simulations based on real-life mobility traces and
synthetic traces have validated the effectiveness of the proposed routing algorithm.
Key words: data offloading; mobile opportunistic networks; video transmission; routing algorithm; replication control; multi-player
cooperative game
微电子和无线通信技术的飞速发展,使得智能终端设备在近 10 年间得以快速普及,而其内嵌的各种传感设
在用户间进行分享,并能够给用户提供各种应用和服务 [1−5] .但是,移动设备的激增带来了移动数据流量的爆炸
式增长,而其中视频数据占据了很大比重,依据思科的预测,该数值在 2018 年末将达到 84% .然而移动数据流
足海量的数据流在传输速率和网络容量等方面对网络的需求 .
动数据卸载(mobile data offloading).目前,移动数据卸载被认为是能够解决上述困境的最有效的方法 [8−10] .Wi-Fi
基于用户间的机会传输进行视频数据卸载.图 1 给出了一个具体的应用实例.在城市区域,移动用户和配置智能
终端的车辆组成一个机会网络.用户 A 可以充分利用设备间的机会接触,通过无线多跳的方式把视频数据投递
给用户 B,而不是通过移动蜂窝网络进行数据传输.这样,通过一系列有序的 D2D(device-to-device)数据通信,成
Fig.1 Example of video data offloading through mobile opportunistic networks
图 1 视频数据通过机会传输实现流量卸载示例