Page 16 - 《软件学报》2021年第12期
P. 16

3680                                Journal of Software  软件学报 Vol.32, No.12, December 2021

                       (0, 0)   (2, 0)    (4, 0)  (6, 0)  (8, 0)   (10, 0)  (12, 0)
                           begin   statment   Y-      N-       endif  endwhile  end
                                             branch  branch
                                         Y   N                      N
                                (2, 2)                      (8, 2)        (10, 2)
                                    if                         while  Y  loopbody

                             Fig.11    Programming flowchart under the layout requirements
                                   图 11   一个满足相应布局要求的程序流程图
                                                 (0, 0)         (2, 0)
                        p1        λ        :=        begin   stat
                           (0, 0)       (2, 0)  (0, 0)  (2, 0)  (4, 0)
                        p2     1      stat  :=    1     statement  stat

                           (0, 0)       (2, 0)  (0, 0)  (2, 0)  Y-  (4, 0)  N-  (6, 0)  (8, 0)
                        p3     1      stat  :=    1                     endif  stat
                                                        branch  branch
                                                      Y  N
                                               (0, 2)
                           (0, 0)       (2, 0)  (0, 0)  (2, 0)  (4, 0)
                        p4     1      stat  :=    1     endwhile  stat
                                               (0, 2)      (2, 2)
                                                 while  Y  loopbody
                           (0, 0)       (2, 0)  (0, 0)      (2, 0)
                        p5    := 1    stat  :=    1      end

                            Fig.12    A set of vCGG productions for the programming flowchart
                                   图 12   描述程序流程图的一组 vCGG 产生式

                                  Fig.13    Derivation of the programming flowchart
                                       图 13   上述程序流程图的推导过程
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