Page 202 - 《软件学报》2020年第12期
P. 202
3868 Journal of Software 软件学报 Vol.31, No.12, December 2020
Abstract: The current blockchain technology only realizes the credible transmission of “interests” in the network, and the corresponding
“responsibility” transmission has not been implemented. The key scientific questions are what is the carrier of “responsibility” and how
the receipt of the “responsibility” is confirmed. Only the “interest” is passed on the blockchain network. Therefore, this status quo causes
the trust relationship established on the blockchain to be one-way, and it is impossible to establish the trust of the originator to the receiver.
This paper presents the realization of deterministic fair contract signing protocol based on blockchain technology without trusted third
party, which changes the one-way trust relationship of the transaction blockchain technology and establishes a multi-way trust relationship
between the nodes participating in the blockchain through an additional protocol. The transaction content in blockchain is replaced by the
contract to be signed, then, conduct “transfer” transactions between multiple parties, to achieve multi-party sign the contract in the
random order. It is the only confirmation that the contract is effective when multiple parties complete the sequential signature among the
linked tickets. Due to the openness, tampering, and non-repudiation of the blockchain transaction data, the cheat of any party in the
contract is avoided, the fairness of the contract exchange process is guaranteed, and the balance between multiple parties is completed
after the contract exchange. At the same time, this protocol provides real-time, dynamic management of multi-party contracts, including
the addition, renewal and deletion of contract content. Finally, the paper discusses the fairness, privacy and the choice of blockchain
Key words: fair contract signing protocol; blockchain; two-way trust; contract renewal; privacy
1 引 言
1.1 公平合约交换协议
涉及“多方利益及责任”的合约数据数字化之后,通过 PKI/CA 体系的非对称密钥数字签名机制,可以实现对
签名的效率.除此之外,确保电子合约的公平交换协议(fair contract signing protocol,简称 FCSP)是实现线上电子
划分为两种类型:(1) 有可信第三方(trusted third party,简称 TTP)的实现方式;(2) 无可信第三方的实现方式.
1.2 区块链技术
近年,以比特币 为代表的数字货币实践获得广泛关注,数字货币的底层技术平台是区块链(blockchain)技
术,区块链的核心协议可以概括为以下几个技术术语的组合:P2P 网络、基于非对称密钥机制的签名验证、全网
共同遵守的当前时间段交易信息共识、基于单向 HASH 算法的交易历史链式数据结构,这在中本聪的论文
《Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system》进行了详细的描述.区块链的出现,解决了数字货币的两大问题:
双重支付问题以及拜占庭将军问题 [2−7] .区块链技术在去中心化的金融、保险、支付、公证等领域有广阔的应