Page 18 - 《软件学报》2020年第11期
P. 18

软件学报 ISSN 1000-9825, CODEN RUXUEW                                       E-mail:
                 Journal of Software,2020,31(11):3334−3350 [doi: 10.13328/j.cnki.jos.005821]
                 ©中国科学院软件研究所版权所有.                                                         Tel: +86-10-62562563


                 刘中舟,   胡文斌,   许平华,   唐传慧,   高   旷,   马福营,   邱振宇

                 (武汉大学  计算机学院,湖北  武汉  430072)
                 通讯作者:  胡文斌, E-mail:

                 摘   要:  动态基因调控网是展现生物体内基因与基因之间相互关系随时间变化而变化的动力学行为的复杂网络.
                 (dynamic gene regulatory network evolution analyzing method,简称 DGNE),将研究扩展到了动态带符号网络领域.通
                 过该方法包含的基于模体转换概率的连边预测算法(link prediction algorithm based on motif transfer probability,简称
                 网的连边情况.实验结果表明,DGNE 方法在仿真数据集和真实数据集上均有良好的表现.
                 关键词:  基因调控网;网络演化;模体;隐空间;链路预测
                 中图法分类号: TP391

                 中文引用格式:  刘中舟,胡文斌,许平华,唐传慧,高旷,马福营,邱振宇.动态基因调控网演化分析.软件学报,2020,31(11):
                 英文引用格式: Liu ZZ, Hu WB, Xu PH, Tang CH, Gao K, Ma FY, Qiu ZY. Dynamic gene regulatory network evolution analysis.
                  Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software, 2020,31(11):3334−3350 (in Chinese).

                 Dynamic Gene Regulatory Network Evolution Analysis
                 LIU Zhong-Zhou,   HU Wen-Bin,   XU Ping-Hua,   TANG Chuan-Hui,   GAO Kuang,   MA Fu-Ying,
                 QIU Zhen-Yu
                 (School of Computer Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
                 Abstract:    Dynamic gene regulatory network is a complex network representing the dynamic interactions between genes in organism.
                 The interactions can be divided into two groups, motivation and inhibition. The researches on the evolution of dynamic gene regulatory
                 network can be used to predict the gene regulation relationship in the future, thus playing a reference role in diagnosis and prediction of
                 diseases, Pharma projects, and biological experiments. However, the evolution of gene regulatory network is a huge and complex system
                 in real world, the researches about its evolutionary mechanism only focus on statics networks but ignore dynamic networks as well as
                 ignore the types of interaction. In response to these defects, a dynamic gene regulatory network evolution analyzing method (DGNE) is
                 proposed to  extend the research to  the field of dynamic signed networks. According to the link prediction  algorithm based on  motif
                 transfer probability (MT)  and symbol discrimination  algorithm based on latent  space  character  included in  DGNE,  the  evolution
                 mechanism of dynamic gene regulatory network can be dynamically captured as well as the links of gene regulatory network are predicted
                 precisely. The experiment results showed that the proposed DGNE method performs greatly on simulated datasets and real datasets.
                 Key words:    gene regulatory network; network evolution; motif; latent space; link prediction

                   ∗  基金项目:  国家自然科学基金(61711530238, 61572369)
                      Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China (61711530238, 61572369)
                     收稿时间: 2018-06-01;  修改时间: 2018-09-17, 2018-12-16;  采用时间: 2019-01-17
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